Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

The actual meaning is:
British tanks did not deserve better mantlet armor
Let British players watch the tank mantlet armor degrade
From the Chieftain MK10 tank to Challenger 1 to Challenger 2 to Challenger 3



Tbh by this point id just want the mods and smin to say they’re not gonna fix it no matter how much glaring info you lot given them so you can stop wasting your time… at least you lot wouldn’t be strung along


Yea, Snail wont openly say anything like that, it would be a pr disaster.

They learned their lesson from the last time they essentially told the community to screw off.

Honestly all they would need to do is reduce the Breach weakpoint to basically a vertical line above/below the gun in line with the Gun sight (for the 2E it could be the same but with a hole in the armour where the sight is kinda like how the T34/T29 US Superheavies have their Sights as a weakpoint) and the challengers would be much better already

While i know this is not accurate as i doubt those areas really “weaker” to the point they could be penned irl it would be the best option we can see ingame for balance as it would follow the general rule of top tier where Breach areas seem to be made weaker for all tanks (some more than others :p)

Which would still if it was say like this a pretty big vulnerability area
But would make you actually able to hull down lol

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Still surprised to this day they fixed the chally 1s mantlet. I can safely say it has definitely made it far better than what is was as I die more to the ammo bug than breach shots now.


guess by either next patch or when ever they bother we can hope and pray they actually fix the mantlet…

Yeah, I have very little faith there will be any improvements to the situation after the dev blog. Unless they are being coerced by a third-party… I really don’t see what sort of kick they get out of modelling UK/NATO vehicles so badly. Surely a well balanced game makes it more fun for everyone, and boosts sales for all nations?..

I actually enjoy playing the challenger 1 now, by no means is it an unstoppable killing machine but I’m actually able to play it to its strengths.


Average Challenger experience


throw in your ammunition exploding when it shouldn’t and boom sorted.

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Can someone lob an equivalent of L31 at a Pantsir and see if it does anything? Refering to the explosive content.

Russian HE has less TNT equivalent but kills it in one shot



its classic hesh


They can’t buff hesh because too many Russian tanks would get slapped in the mid tiers again XD


you know what they used to nerf hesh? an obscure russian website about recoiless rifles. and 3 days after the nerf the site was gone.


It was just an incredibly high quality primary source.


the same primary source that had us play a tank so badly modeled they have to redo the entire thing. 5 years later btw

If you have problems with the way HESH is working you will need to provide one immaculately conceived primary source or two FSB approved secondary sources.


Morning @Gunjob ! I’m sure this was the moment of your day you were dreading over the weekend, but here’s the current open reports for ASPRO-HMT
One for KE resistance (the biggest)
One for CE resistance (the easiest)
And one for the backing plate which i’ve just linked my material weight estimated for the info requested. I searched for a good 4-5 hours for any mention of the plate on FV430, or Warriors installation as well, but Tankograd is the only source publically available on the material.

Have fun, my friend haha