Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Can we get this camo as as a GE unlockable on all our Challengers please

it is pretty clear Russian BiasTM in their explanation.


It’s pretty much a gish gallop.

hmmm, i’ll see if i can replicate.

i’m not even go into that mess. It’s bad enough trying to argue the Stormer is fundamentally broken whilst someone else is whinging about how it’s OP because it can bash a T series tank by hitting the optics.


Oh no, your missile can do funky stuff due to over pressure. Proceeds to kill an mbt by doing said funky stuff with their own atgm? It’s all swings and roundabouts and we’re all stuck on gaijins wild ride.

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It’s not a ATGM though

I think this camo is on the base Cr2 as a marketplace skin

Perhaps it depends on the shell fired at the ammo? It shouldnt but who knows

Nope, the only thing close is devilish on 2F

Thats what i was thinking of

There is this skin which is pretty close

Badger anyone?

Does it come with ATGMs?

No, but it comes with driver coupola that removes gun depression in 30 degree cone


@DevilO6 the driver can retract the cupola

I realised that due to the hinge, the post i made was a joke

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the command variant is just cold :)

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boxer :)

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Oh don’t summon the Germans