Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I think chally models and also all the other models were created by using blueprints like this one which are inaccurate. I myself model cars in blender and blueprint modeling in modelers circle is simply called as “blueprint hell” as they tend to leade to many inaccuraces as they are non official and made by amateurs. In most cases planes don’t even match. Also lots of details are abscent in the planar view. So these are the reasons why I gave up using it.
The far better option is photo modeling which uses all the highly detailed photos that are available in the web and maps them together. This method gives a far greater accuracy but isn’t widespread enough to reach WT devs and it’s outsource companies.
The third method is 3d scanning but nobody will let WT devs scan chally or any other modern MBT

I wanted to take more screen but i got hit with that

The hampter has died

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im on fine :)

two seconds later

Spall liner working well

I tried to remove 2e mod from base Cr2 and it went server is unavaiable and kicked me out
ok im coming back

Yea, it looks fine, thank you for healing my schizo

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The vehicle’s sitting too high as indicated by idler & sprocket in relation to their closest road wheels.
Congrats on 1000 posts since I was last here 13 days ago.

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Nah, with the help of @l2ulan it got sorted out, the tanks on pictures are just cold, and we have them on hot in game

would be nice to have it modelled but lets be honest it wont and shouldnt be a priority

You want to have a small clearance for half of the battle?

no i’d like to sit lower behind cover after being still for a minute or two

I see what you did there

think positive :)

Cr3 road wheels report

im gonna guess showing the missing turret base was very intentional :)

I willl be hones, no. That thing seems to be missing irl too.

they will always go down because the engine is struggling to push the tank up.

Look like stacked weight plates whilst the actual armour is being finalised

they outsource most of the modelling work anyway i belive

I wonder why Trophy was picked over Iron Fist for Cr3. Iron fist would be able to also get soft kill that would save some of the APS charges an would be able to be integrated with the Iron Vision creating a very poverfull machine that has superior situational awareness.
Oh yea, the price…

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