Why so hostile? The TES isn’t some magical separate tank. It is the package of equipment that is supposed to be used when entering a real combat theatre and actually if you did one simple google search you’d find that 6 Challengers 2s have been confirmed to have the HAAIP upgrades as of January 2022 which means it is extremely feasible that the entire fleet would have it by now but even those 6 alone are evidence enough for gaijin
Hostile, i never intended to sound like that.
Yes, but TES wont be used anymore, only OES 1,2 or 3(I used TES and OES as to names of the 2008 and 2011 versions of the tanks we have in game)
(also retrofitting isnt a thing in game most of the time, but if snail decide to do so, all Cr2 would be able to get TISP, RCWS with .50 cal, gen 2 plate on the ufp, slimmed road wheels, cameras for the driver, Lws and BN rotation mechanism.
If we decide to go wild APS, iron vision, Brimstone launchers, BN commander sight could be added. The L44 from CLIP would be a stretch but every Cr2 can accept it, as dimensions of the guns are simmilar.
Also due to Cr3 beeing in its current form a Cr2 but modified, DNGS T3, Orion, Trailblazer and L55A1 all could be fitted.
EPSOM and Farnham are the most unhinged things to be added, but history seen weirder things so who knows).
Can you link that up?
TES will still be the Theatre Entry Standard for the foreseeable future until Challenger 3 fully replaces 2 in 2030 which is the current aim for the full production line to replace Challenger 2
As for the gaijin not retrofitting stuff that just isn’t the case because it would be classed as a fix or adjustment to the vehicle which they have done plenty. Most notably in recent months the Abrams reload speed change. As for the stuff missing from Challenger in game, frankly yes the TES should get the Leonardo remote system with options for the GMG and HMG as researchable modifications. There is a Challenger 2 technical details page on these here forums which you can find which details a lot more of these kinds of things
However now you are just being ridiculous and continuously editing so I do not care to continue this kind of discussion with such a childish attitude
TES is no more, OES is a term used since 2015 iirc and it has 3 versions that are used depending on where and with what the fight will take place.
Yea, i might have heard about that topic
Yea i was editing as i was adding things that could be retrofitted out of the back of my head.
Regardless of TES vs OES (of which should never have been a premium due to it deriving from the Megatron program carried out by the Armoured Trials and Development Unit and it is also missing some of the main features of the package to begin with) you have added nothing to this suggestion besides act childishly in senseless rambles
Good day to you
I want this with a .50
As well as a need for a better round than the good old L27A1
Accurate L27 would be fine in the current meta, restamped M829A1.
I don’t mind L27/L27A1 or 3BM60 but both on their respected users are a bit outdated compared to competition e.g. DM 53 or Type 10 rounds
Would like to see this replace the Chally 2F or TES in game since they both the same and ERA only protects against HEAT.
Not much precedent for this is there?
not much precedent for vehicles especially modern tech tree ones being replaced/removed
Lmao, i just realised them links i sent are meant for another post. Yeh honestly the TES and 2F are the same and useless. Side of turret and lower front might stop a bit extra but even side of hull barley stops HEATFS