Carro Comando Semoventi M41, not so light but not so heavy.

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Carro Comando Semoventi M41



In June 1941, the first self-propelled artillery units were born in the Royal Italian Army. The problem immediately emerged of the lack of a vehicle that could coordinate them and at the same time follow them closely and have good armor capable of resisting enemy attacks. Since there was a decent quantity of M41 tank hulls, Ansaldo used these same hulls to create a vehicle capable of coordinating the fire of the self-propelled guns and possibly directing the shots and indicating the enemies present in the area. The tank was modified in a not too invasive way (apart from the removal of the turret and the parts attached to it), and the turret was replaced by an 8 mm ballistic steel sheet with a 4-leaf folding door. Two radio antennas were also installed and the two Breda Mod.38 twin machine guns placed in the hull were replaced in most examples with a Breda Model 1931 machine gun (the same as the M14/41 47/40) on a cardan joint with spherical station, or also called blindosphere. It was also possible, by opening the canopy, to use a Breda 38 machine gun on a retractable muzzle mount for anti-aircraft fire. The vehicle obtained approval from the Army which adopted it and had over sixty examples produced, even if the vehicle did not obtain an excellent reputation among tank drivers as the vehicle was easy to recognize and poorly armed in case of clashes with opposing tanks. Of these vehicles, only one survives without armament and mechanically inoperative.

Armaments and propulsion.

The tank was armed with two machine guns. One machine gun was a 13.2 mm Breda Model 1931 placed in a gimbal with spherical protection, or blindosphere. This machine gun was equipped with 35 12-round magazines for a total of 420 cartridges. The other weapon on board was an 8 mm Breda Model 1938 machine gun placed in a gun carriage with a supply of 21 magazines containing 504 ammunition in total (machine gun usable only with the roof open).
As regards the engine, the tank was equipped with the same engine as a normal M14/41, i.e. a 145 HP Fiat SPA 15T M41, which also thanks to the lower weight of the tank (12.5 tons) allowed it to reach a maximum speed of 40 km/h. The vehicle’s range was approximately 230 km and it could tackle climbs up to an inclination of 45°.



Crew: 4 (pilot, goniometer and 2 machine gunners)
Weight: 12.5 tons
Length: 4.92 m
Width: 2.2m
Height: 1.82 m
Armament: 1x Breda Mod. 31 in frontal blindosphere carriage and 1x Breda Mod. 38 in wolf’s mouth carriage
Elevation: -8°/+20° for the Breda Mod. 31, 0°/+45° for the Breda Mod. 38
Crossbar: 12° to the right and left for the Breda Mod. 31, 360° for the Breda Mod. 38
Ammunition reserve: 35 magazines for the Breda Mod. 31 and 21 for the Breda Mod. 38
Armor: 30-8 mm with closed roof, 30-0 with open roof
Radios: 1x RF 1 CA and 1x RF 2 CA

Pictures and drawnings.










M14/41 - Wikipedia
Surviving Panzers
Armi avanzate della Seconda Guerra Mondiale/Italia 5 - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
CARRO COMMANDO M41 - Quartermaster Section
Carro Commando M41
Carro Comando M41 Rome Le monde de la maquette
Carro Armato M14/41 (1942)
Semoventi da 75/18 Scafo M40/M41 & M42 (Assault Guns)
Carro Commando M41


The M2A2 sets a precedent for HMG-only tanks, so this gets a +1 from me.



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I guess it could be a low tier event/bp vehicle. +1

Is there any information on the ammunition penetration and ballistics? If it’s good enough, then yes, why not? If it can’t penetrate more than 20mm steel plate at 10m on 0 degrees, then it won’t do much in game.

Go on the M14/41 premium.

There is no great need for tanks equipped only with heavy machine guns, or rather I don’t see the use of it now in the game. However, if there were to be a niche for such vehicles, this could be considered. I don’t find it very useful at the moment.

Doesn’t fit the WT meta of TDM in tanks. It capabilities make it a 1.0 tank even if you gave it buffed AP, but it would only be useful with scouting, but Tier I…

I know. I suggested it just because it is easy to do.

+1 very unique

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M14/41 (47/40) already has the 13.2mm Breda 31 as its hull-mounted secondary armament. 28mm pen at 10m, 25mm at 100m.

Tbh it isn’t an M14/41, it is a Carro Comando M41 with an M15 turret.

I am aware about it now, I did some Test Druve in WT to see the penetration potential at different angles and distances for the 13.2mm Breda Mod.31 machine gun mounted in the hull of M14/41:

To me, the guns felt weaker compared to the alternatives we have in-game that could be considered as main competitors. I would not agree for a fixed mount main machine gun vehicle, since it’s gameplay and performance will be limited by the limited traverse of the gun mount (like in a TD, not with a designated turret).

Below are some videos of direct competitors that we already have in-game:

  • T-60 with the 20mm TnSh autocannon (bigger belt, better one-shot potential, has a 360 degree turret, bigger reload)
  • M2A2 with .50cal Browning Machine Gun (bigger belt and sustained fire, better penetration, has an 180 degrees turret and a very mobile chassis)
  • P7TAA with 13.2mm Hotchkiss machine guns (4 guns instead of 1, is also great as low-rank SPAA but lacks good mobility and elevation above 45 degrees)
  • L6/40 with the 20mm Breda autocannon (better range, better penetration, great post-pen damage and 1-shot potential, slightly higher reload, less ammo per belt, weak vehicle maneuverability compared to M2A2)
  • L3/33 with a 20mm single-fire cannon (poorest 20mm penetration of all, lower rate of fire, slightly higher chances of rounds detonating and doing no damage, better range, a bit better penetration)
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+1 would be a neat addition

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Lol, not bat for a 1.0 vehicle! +1

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Yeah it would be too weak in game.

Well, it can work in close combat fight.

It wouldn’t be Meta

But with how dumb new players are
This is a perfectly usable vehicle

Vehicles really don’t have to have a reason to be added as long as they are historical, and belong to the nation/used by the nation it’s being added to

Only till 3.3 do vehicles actually have to be good to be added
Give me the clown car


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen +1