- Yes
- Maybe
- No

The M13/40 Tank was an Italian medium tank used with mixed results by the Italian Royal Army from 1940 to 1943 in most of the theaters of war in which Italy participated. The tank was built in 1939 based on the old M11/39 and was sent immediately afterwards to the Centro Studi ed Esperienze della Motorizzazione for tests, which made a good impression on the representatives of the Royal Army, who ordered various examples. Over time the tank was improved and various construction series of the vehicle were created, called “Series I/II/III”, but other versions of the vehicle were also created including the version called Carro Armato M13/40 Centro Radio: it was a Standard M13/40 tank, however, equipped with a second radio station and used as a command tank. In this way the crew could carry out transmissions up to 30 km away in order to coordinate the actions of the tank companies variant, however, was really slow: in 1941 only 10 M13/40 Centro Radio (or C.R.) tanks had been produced.
These vehicles were mostly made to stay in the second line, in slightly fortified positions in order to give orders without suffering damage.
Some of these vehicles were also used after the armistice of 1943, and one example has survived into modern times.
Armaments and propulsion.
The armament of the M13/40 Centro Radio Tank remained unchanged: a 47/32 Model 1935 cannon placed in the turret with a coaxial Breda Model 1938 machine gun and three other Breda Model 1938 placed in the hull and in an anti-aircraft position on the roof of the turret. The ammunition for the 47 mm cannon was unchanged, while that for the machine guns was theoretically decreased.
In terms of engine, the tank was powered by a FIAT-SPA 8T Model 1940, V-shaped, 8-cylinder diesel engine with a maximum power of 125 HP at 1,800 rpm, which could push the vehicle up to a maximum speed of 31 km /h.
Weight: 14 tons
Length: 4,915 m
Width: 2,280 m
Height: 2,370 m
Crew: 4
Engine: FIAT-SPA 8T Model 1940 diesel (125 HP)
Maximum speed: 31 km/h
Armament: 1x 47/32 Cannon Model 1935 and 4x Breda Model 1938
Armor: 42-6 mm
Pictures and drawnings.
Carro Armato M13/40 - Tank Encyclopedia
M13/40 - Wikipedia
Carro Armato M13/40 (1940)
LA MECCANIZZAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO FINO AL 1943 tomo I -parte 2 by Biblioteca Militare - Issuu
LA MECCANIZZAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO FINO AL 1943 tomo II -parte 2 by Biblioteca Militare - Issuu
Censimento di tutti i blindo corazzati italiani delle due guerre mondiali - page 3 - Mezzi militari Italiani e Stranieri
M13/40/M14/41 & M15/42 Light Tanks