The naval gamemode is far from the best gamemode in Warthunder, but one of its main faults is capture points in cruiser and battleship battles.
Each time you almost have a decent and fun game in naval, the ticket time runs out, thanks to one player who will capture the capturepoints furthest away from the cruiser and battleship spawns. And thanks to the great distance, those ships will never be able to reach those points without exposing themselves in front of all enemy guns, or simply being too slow.
And the fact you can only spawn in 3 ships makes having a coastal ship for by far the majority of players something completely useless. Using one of your 3 valueable spawns for a coastal ship is useless as the RP and SL gains from capturing one or two points is next to nothing, especially for the time spent traveling to those points. And just forget about being able to torpedo a bluewater ship, because the bluewater ship auto gunners will obliterate your coastal ship without the captain of the blue water even noticing. Everyone would rather just spawn another bluewater ship to blast anenemy blue watership.
Whoever thought it was a great idea to implement this system from ground rb has clearly forgotten the fact that distances and travel times in naval RB are significantly higher than ground RB. Its like having teams filled with T95’s and Maus’, whereby both can have relativaly fun battles against eachother, but will not win the game due to one person in a m22 capturing the points out of reach of those vehicles.
This is why I say again, games with 3 capture points should be downright removed from br 5.7+ in naval battles.