Can't Tornado IDS ASSTA get 1000lb JDAMs?

What are these super small ones even good for? 500lb are too weak to be of any use.

Player are just not able of use it, because not smart enough, this was 1 LJDAM…

Just search for not moving targets drop some, as GPS bomb, after that switch to Laser mode and use then as GBU


There isn’t an in-service 1000lb version of Laser-JDAM. The designation GBU-55/B is reserved for it, but nobody has funded it.
Germany is using GBU-48 Enhanced Paveway II as an equivalent weapon, but only on Eurofighter.

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How? When I drop them my target laser activates automatically and they just behave as any GBU does.

You have to deactivate the setting with when drop auto activate laser, because for GPS mode you dont want the laser

Laser off while dropping = GPS Mode
Laser On while dropping = Laser Mode

God, didn’t even know there was an option for this. Well hidden under "main parameters’ not weapon settings…