Can't look up or down while using the free look key (C) on helicopters

This has been going on for a long while, but I decided to ask about this only now.

I used to be able to press C (mouse look) and look in all directions, just like with planes and tanks. With helicopters I can only look left and right, I can’t look up or down.

Are there configs/keys that need to be adjusted? Or is it just a feature present for all players? (I fly with mouse controls, in SIM I use keyboard controls and I can look in all directions)

Anyone else with this problem?

Can’t free look with my free look button with helis. But it’s working with ground vehicles. In helis it brings up the weapon selection for some reason.

It might be a conflict between the “free look” bind and the weapon selection. You could take a look in the settings menu.

In my case whenever I press “C” the view resets back in the centre position but nothing else happens.