Cant find option to turn on Climb inidactor in heli copckpit

So here is the thing, as far as I love to fly heli in PvE I cant seem to find one specific option ( I did search this on google but to no result ).

When in virtual cockpit You have climb and altitude info on the right side of HUD. Now I seen a lot of videos on Youtube of players flying in cockpit with this indicator but I simply dont have it. Is ther a hidden option for that? I tried searching key configs and all options related to HUD etc. but cant get it to show on HUD in cockpit. Or maybe this was intentionaly reamoved after specific update?

As far as VR it’s not a big deal, I can always look down on the instruments panel but when not in VR need to go with virtual cockpit which IMO ruins the fun :-)

Screeshots of what I mean attached.

looks like you have your HUD for 1st person turned off, to see the indicator you need to have it on IIRC (see below)
if that doesn’t work then the hueys just don’t have it in first person


its not a keybind or anything

I am starting to believe it was removed by Gaijin when they added proper cockpit instead of placeholder. The latest UH-1B video with interior cockpit I could find is around 8 months old and the climb indicator is there, but still with cockpit placeholder.

the hueys may jsut not have it since they didn’t have a hud IRL you,ll just have to look down at the climb indicator most likely (also nice UH-1B )

Yeah, the Hueys most likely didn’t have Hud IRL since they were still developing them at that time.