Can't access game today after Battleye update

Yesterday the game was working fine, but today when i tried to enter the game I got the Battleye change; so i I accepted it and guess what I cant access the game no more because an a error of the trash Battleye anti cheat program.


Gaijin if you are going to switch anti cheats software at least switch it for some that might work.


I forgor

  • 1 I tried to verify the game files from Steam and the WT launcher and it didn’t work
  • 2 I uninstalled the game and re downloaded it and that also didn’t work
  • 3 Rainbow Six works like a charm
  • 4 I added almost all the Battleye services related to War Thunder to the firewall exception list and that also didn’t work

Have you tried restarting your PC?

It’s because the name of the executable was changed to “aces_BE.exe” instead of “aces.exe” and, if you try to just rename the file, it won’t launch for different reasons.

Verifying files doesn’t help. Doing a complete uninstall and reinstall doesn’t help.

The only way I could get it to work was to close Steam, go to the directory, and manually run the executable “Aces_BE.”


I tried launching aces_BE.exe but had no luck I got the same error; but launching eac_wt_mlauncher.exe the old easyanticheat exe seems to work for me. But still this is not a FIX I hope devs will fix this soon because is no a Battleye issue R6 and PUBG have Battleye and they work fine.


so nothing we can do until the devs fix this?

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The only way I got it to work was running the exe manually as an administrator after closing the Steam client.

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Same thing here. . . The only thing that wokrs for me is the oldest “ea” launcher.
I’m not very optimistic because this problem has not been solved since the beggining of Decenber. . .
Who cares about 1117 days of login anyway?


you can try to launch the 2 exes acex_BE.exe or eac_wt_mlauncher.exe on the game folder and see which one works for you

True, this is a workaround but not a permanent fix

Well we can always respond to Gaijin with our wallets and reviewing bombing the game on steam.


I’ll be honest, I was completely expecting this transition to be a complete waste of time, but I wasn’t expecting to not even be able to run the game after.


We all know there might be issues with the transition but why Battleye. I also play R6 and I got used to watch day after day people getting banned in game so Battleye don’t stop cheaters from hacking in the game it only seems to ban them after they fucked up the experience for the rest, and even that is not certain because I have encountered cheaters that are still playing on their steam accounts unpunished

I have been experiencing the same issue the game only works outside of Steam using the aces.exe file which i find strange because the error says i dont have permission to the aces.exe file


For those wondering what happened with this issue my report on the got accepted so devs acknowledge the issue is real. If you want to check the report here is the link aces.exe wont launch Battleye

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I found a fix.

If you go where your aces.exe is (…\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\War Thunder\win64\aces.exe) and right click on it. This should be the same path you’re getting at the top of that pop up window with the red X. Go to Properties → Compatibility → Run as Administrator and make sure this is unchecked. For some reason my game turned this on itself and left it on even during a full reinstall. If steam itself isn’t running as administrator then it doesn’t have the authority to run a game as an administrator. Unchecking this box and hitting apply worked for me to run the game through steam.

Alternatively if you really want to, you could run steam as administrator as well but I wouldn’t recommend that.


i love you

Yep this is it. Thank you very much for sharing your finding. I will update my ticket with this info and let’s see what devs have to say.

Was that run as administrator actually ticked?

Support actually recommended to run the game as administrator on my report and I also saw them telling other people in their reports to do the same.
