Cannot play ground / launch game with anti cheat after recent updates

After the recent updates switching over to battleye, I have been unable to play ground and get this popup when trying to matchmake.

Initially, I was able to launch the game manually and it would launch battleye letting me play ground. However since the most recent update saying something about enabling battleye in other game modes , only air has been accessible and nothing has been a remedy.

Things I have Tried

  • Restarting Game (delete your comment now)
  • Clicking On the “restart game” button (nothing happens or is restarts and nothing changes)
  • Verify Files
  • Delete Battleye Directory
  • Run “Aces_BE” as admin (this used to work)
  • I have tried running pretty much every executable in the WarThunder directory. (They either launch the game or launch the launcher)
  • I’m using steam, so don’t ask me something ignorant like “is anti cheat checked in the launcher?”, we don’t live in the stone age anymore

Some Other Notes

  • I do not get any errors launching the game (the battleye window pops up with “updating” and “update successful messages”
  • I have many hours and dollars invested in this game (there is a 0% chance I would ever cheat and risk getting banned)
  • I cannot find anyone else having this issue with more than one or tow responses with some high IQ responses like “did you try initializing anti-cheat?”

same issue here no idea what to do

Support sent me the link to the “troubleshooting easy anti cheat” article … very cool