Canadian Ground Forces Tech Tree

I think it’s fair to say Canada used the 20-pdr Mk 3 and 5 at home and 105mm Mk 5/2 or Mk 6 and Mk 11 in Europe for all this we found.

Well that solves that problem, thanks for helping look into that.

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I decided to check to see what Centurions Canada would’ve used are ingame and found some:

Yeah this is Australian but its close enough. Was looking for the co-axial 50cal if anything.

The Israeli “Sho’t” is a Mk V but it doesnt have the co-axial 50cal.


Rank IV and V is just ATGM-carriers, recoilless rifles and IFV’s. 💀. Are you trying to make things even worse? I might just pray tonight that this tech tree never comes to the game lol.

Not to be super snarky, but:

mqdefault (1)

There’s also a fair bit more than those. I think OPs intent was adding broad variety. If someone were to implement the tree, they could have selection to choose something to fit a certain category.


Just don’t comment then lmao, simple as that.
Bait used to be believable
God forbid people discuss something that they both have in common


right and so i pressed the “no” button in the poll lol

This is a suggestion thread. Whats wrong with me objecting with the proposal?

I mean BRs and placement are not final and just a suggestion plus Thatz doesn’t like giving things BR so he struggled with that.


right well my concern is that similar contempoary recoilless rifles in the game already sit at rank 4/5 and around 6.7, so it would be logical if these vehicles were added that they sit in similar places. thats my concern

It’s still a fuller tree compared to Israel and Japan.
And IFVs are common at ranks IV and V, so I dont get the big deal, look at the Italian tree.
We’re still figuring out vehicles as we go, so the extra sources help, and Thatz seems to appreciate the extra sources and input.


Comparing this proposal to Isreal is not a good look, even if it is marginally “better” lol. Isreal should never have been added.

Right thats the problem…

well that sounds good, you concerned about copy paste too?

BRs aren’t final. My own take was a good bit different, and leveraged assault guns, and made-in-Canada armour that was exported - like Argentinian TAMs in the German tree.

Think Canada’s tree is naturally going to be more heavily wheeled, simply because we industrially specialized into motorization, not mechanization.


i mean its fine if you guys like that, im not much into the fs-slingers, i just wish some of the old brs and ranks could remain intact without the intrusion of these vehicles

You said that IFVs and ATGM slingers are bad at Ranks 4 and 5, and so I brought it up, there’s also the Leopards, Centurions, and Shermans at those ranks so…

As for C&P, then might as well get rid of Sweden, Italy, and Israel since they have C&P Centurions, Leopards, M-48s, and T-54s/T-55s.

God forbid Countries buy vehicles from other countries. That means that only the US, Germany, Russia, and Britain are allowed as tech trees due to little to no C&P.


It’s literally just Italy and Japan, so I dont get the big issue tbh.

sounds like a great idea, at least the vehicles maybe not those tech trees. Scartch that, we should get rid of Isreal

I dont get why you keep bringing up God, I get your live in canada and probably want your nation in the game, but this is not a holy matter to me. Its just about reason

This I agree with as CMP Trucks would make a big part of the WW2 BRs and then the LAVs for post-war.

In an old post on the WT Reddit, I saw people refer to Canada as “Allied Italy” and I agree. Canada’s strong points are Lights, TD and sorta SPAA mostly they are a handful of mediums but that is not the the big part.


It’s just a saying. You also stated how you might pray for Canada to never be added, as much as it may have been satiric.
And we’ve given reasons, some reasons make as much sense as to why nations like Italy, Sweden, and Israel are in the game, i’d even bring up China but that’s just scraping the barrel at that point.
So the reasons you’re stating are overshadowed by the fact that other ingame Nations have the same issue but yet they’re still in the game.

That’s what people are saying.


Canada focused more on Peacekeeping, unlike the US who’s in a war almost constantly so they’re upgrading constantly.

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