I’ve made some changes to explain it a bit better.
Within each sub-model many modifications were done on the tank sometimes it would be a single vehicle that would be a one off however other times it would start half way through that sub-models production and each tank made after would include that modification.
It gets difficult to list but this small description is just a general description of the beginning of the production for that specific sub-model
It would be funny if they had a premium/event mig 21 based of that joke
Though the tech-tree is very solid, I still think that it would be a better idea to make Canadian tech-tree as the UK’s sub TT especially it comes to the top-tier.
While someone may say that Leopard 2s should be given to German, I wanna say that look at the German TT plz. You can see at least six Leopard 2s.
And Leopard 2s are quite powerful MBT, Swedish and even Italian as long as Hungarian got or will get their own Leopard 2s. However, at the same time British are struggling with those Challengers since they are not so powerful to fight against T series, Leopard 2s and M1s.
Also, if someone argue that UK shouldn’t get so many kinds of tanks. I wanna argue that Russian got T-72 series, T-80 series, T-64 series and new T-90 series while US can get M1128(Though not a tank)and M8 AGS(Though not MBT)even they have so many M1s.
Meanwhile, don’t forget that Gaijin gave UK TT an Indian T-90, which means UK TT is “allowed” to have MBTs instead of Challengers.
All in all, why not give those two Canadian Leopard 2s to UK TT even if it may not in free TT.
Could go after the vickers line as that line has no more additions
As Vickers line are all high-mobility tanks while Challengers are slow MBT lol.
I really agree with your idea so that Brits can get two top-tier lines and new kind of MBT instead of more Challengers.
Unfortunately the UK already has a sub tree and Gaijin has effectively denied and Canadian and Australian sub-tree.
Gaijin has it set in stone 5 lines are a full tree. So a tech tree is at most a the main nation (main tree) and a sub nation (sub tree).
So with the South Africa sub-tree the UK can’t get any more. And they have said that wouldn’t move SA.
So what about ADATS?The top SPAA of UK TT is based on M113 chassis which is definitely an American vehicle and its missiles are full of America technology. Nothing on ADATS is related with UK except its nationality.
I don’t expect a full Canadian sub TT for UK TT but just two Leopard 2s, it’s not a excessive suggestion I believe.
My Guy the leo are better in every way
That’s a fact
We only have one top tier tank line why can’t the other be Canadian
And? What does it have to do with UK?
And the Ram II should be in the UK as they used the thing.
And technical speaking the ADATS turret(the system itself) is Swiss.
Also there is a Canadian plane in the Chinese tree. (That is based off of a British design)
Why that’s not a sub-tree but to one off tanks that dose nothing but further the problematic treatment of Canada in War Thunder
I have no idea about your attitude, do you think that UK TT is strong enough or not?
Well, first of all is that UK TT is really weak, none of those Challengers are powerful enough to match with Swedish Leopard, German Leopard, Russian T floods and American M1s.
You can’t deny that before the Chally 3 none of Challys are equipped with APFSDS equals to DM53.
Also Challys are slow but unarmored enough.
Two Canadian Leopard 2s can change a lot.
They are not whining they are saying a fact
So why no Canadian Leos then
Firstly, the problem of the British military-industrial complex, and no one else’s. Secondly, they are broken, have you tried to demand they be fixed (I’m talking about Challengers)? Thirdly, UK still has a bunch of tanks that can be introduced
The Canadian TT has been divided into at least three TTs. It’s impossible to make a new Canadian TT otherwise it will contain so many repeat vehicles and planes as other TTs have already had them.
Since it has been divided, why not just let Canadian do their job as a member of Commonwealth?LOL~
No, this is whining, and constant. We don’t have this, we have it bad, maybe we will look for alternatives within the transport means of the UK, and not other countries? Canada is not the UK, it is independent
Like what their only one more Challenger maybe but that won’t come as the only new thing on it is a mockup ATGM launcher
Yes mate what do you think we have a bug list a mile long
You don’t need to be so rude
Like how Israel was in both the US and the UK? How Sweden was in the UK tree?
From what I’ve found Italy used to be in the German tree.
They move vehicles over to the new trees when added.
Right in not like that’s the case for every tree in game already. Oh what it is. At least Canada builds most of those planes themselves. (And licensed built planes are considered different planes. See CL Sabers and how they are considered different for American Sabers.)