Can we get ATGMs that work?

I recognize that ATGMs were perhaps too responsive before the change, but Gaijin ATGMs don’t drop out of the launcher like an anvil IRL. They fly straight. In fact I was so incredibly annoyed at my missiles deciding to wobble around like a geriatric man drowning in jello that I decided to look up tons upon tons of videos of ATGM launches IRL to see if they actually dip that much. They don’t. They fly mostly straight. Almost like they have, you know, stabilization and powerful motors.

This is really just unacceptable, it’s so hilariously bad that I just question whether I should ever use an ATGM launcher, not to mention SACLOS SAMs being borderline worthless.


But the BMP-2M is unaffected, of course, whilst also having snowflake beam riders that can be launched on the move when other beam riders can’t. Magic.

Can you put some realism in your pick and choose realism, please?


Ummmm. How about no. You clearly need to be playing MBTs and brawl in close range city maps and get one kill before dying, so you can be frustrated into buying a premium. War Thunder is not a camping game, scummy tactics like that, also used in incredibly realistic shooters like Call of Duty, ruin the game for everyone else.


Clearly all those videos I watched are all just doctored and modified to make the western world look stronger than it is. Just like all those videos of the Type 10 not accelerating incredibly slowly or having a turret rotation of 1 degree per century. All clearly doctored.



also known as



“Self Regenerating ERA”


Most of videos was from bradley(and one with swingfire(or what is it?)).
I think also necessary to add videos from LOSBR, like a kornet.
They must rotate, like vikhr irl

Also, maybe fix warhead of TOW-2B and add historical second warhead.


Thats a nice video, if you separate the WT from Irl parts, and you remove the soundtrack and sound effects from it you have a very strong material for a bug report.

They don’t accept videos.

They do, a few of my reports have videos in them showing how things are happening.

You’re welcome to make a report on it then, I can send you all of the videos I used, pre-editing.

If you want.

Anyway, good luck on that bug report. I don’t trust technical moderators and still don’t. Not since they called the Type 10 a ‘parade tank not meant for combat’ and turned down every single source and video on the Type 10 ever posted because ‘hurr durr video could be doctored’.

Meanwhile the Type 10’s armor in-game is unironically backwards and upside down lmfao.


Funny you mention that, I also have videos of Russian T-series tanks missing several ATGMs in a row at stationary tank-sized targets in the biathlons. Would never happen in War Thunder. Russia is perfect.

(Suddenly all of those high miss rates with Russian tank ATGMs in Red Dragon make sense)

Funny how Russian missiles are the only ones in-game (Though they did fix HOTS kind of) that do not wobble, drop, or freak out.


Russian balance must be russian
Theres nothing to say

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Still waiting on my 163mm hypersonic telephone poles to stop trying to hit the dirt upon launch, not wobble while in flight and actually 1 shot things when I hit them.

The LOSAT is still in an absolutely pathetic state.


I think your going to die of old age waiting for Kinetic Energy transfer to be added.

Only then will LOSAT be remotely usable.


What you want missiles to fly straight? Sorry we haven’t unlocked that technology yet.

Must really suck for astronauts wobbling all over the place before plummeting to the ground because we don’t know how to stabilize rocketry or use guidance.


Watched a YouTuber trying to use them the other night… My god it was painful to watch, i feel sorry for anyone who wasted their time grinding the event for it. What an absolute let down that must have been.


It was for a crafting event too… so even worse than a normal summer or winter event from the old cycle


It’s been awhile since I’ve used ATGM, but I agree they suck since I started to play the early Bradley again. What exactly was the thought (or lack of) process when the decided to adjust them?

Going hull down now is almost uselesswithout aiming up first, as most times they just splash into the dirt in front of my position. If I do get them to go, it took a few shots to get used to the odd input you need to use to adjust their flight, but if they hit…the damage is seriously lackluster.

Not sure if Gaijin has reviewed any real world video of ATGM against armored vehicles over the last decade, but I’m sure a simple google search will help them understand the damage they generally inflict.


You want to see how bad this gets? Play the AMX-30 ACRA.

You have no stabalizer and your atgm is fired from a barrel. The whole tank rocks when you fire a beam riding atgm, meaning your beam is also rocking. Then the missile is rocking even more because of this effect. Its quite comical. Makes the whole tank near useless except at extreme ranges or very short ranges. Where you hit on a tank is literally a dice roll.