I read somewhere you can access the dev server for Mac, but when I download it looks like it is just for Windows? Any truth to whether the server is only available for PC?
Right now there is no “Official” way however the old manual method should work on Mac and Linux.
Make a copy of your WarThunder folder, Then in your new WarThunder folder open the config.blk file in a text editor and add this line to the “yunetwork{}” section:
Then launch the launcher, Click on the little wrench icon in the top right and select “Dev” from the “Server” drop down menu at the top. It will then restart and should download the Dev server files.
Thanks, I will try that. Not sure exactly if I will be successful. I haven’t ever tried to mess with my mac in text editor before.
I access the dev server this way on my Macs and Linux machines. Works.