I can draft a Wiki article but there is not button or obvious place for me to publish it or even send it out for review, after i draft it there’s nothing i can do past letting it sit in my drafts. Any help?
Just saying, you’ve got no battles listed so that could be something.
You’ve possibly used the wrong email to sign in to the forums and made a new account, or something.
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shoot, you might be right. I supposed that this wiki would include mobile accounts but i guess us mobile dweebs are a forgotten part of the community. I bet this only links to normal war thunder accounts.
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:) Chill about though, some moderator or someone will pop in with some info.
Good to know where your account is based for the next person.
This is the War Thunder forums and https://wiki.warthunder.com/ is for War Thunder (Desktop/Console) version.
I’m afraid you need to be an active War Thunder player (Not WTM) to post on the wiki and some areas of this forum.
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