I have just joined a squad (I wanted the Leopard) and I already put in about 30,000 XP into the squad Leopard. Is the Leopard too expensive for a new player or should I continue grinding it? Can anyone suggest me a good squadron vehicle for a rank III player?
U can keep on the leo its a good tank
Keep grinding the normal tech tree until u reach 11.7
When u reach 11.7 u will have a good tank to pair up with flarakrad before u go to the 12.0 leos
On usa aim1a1 is also pretty good
In russia u have bmp2m and t80(reccomend bmp2m for the lineup with t72b and strela)
Other nations doesn have many options
I grinded the magach b gal on israel and its pretty good
Also make sure u join a big and active squad so u will get the full 20,000xp every 3 days
I get like 47,000 exp in a week. Should I change the squad? Like I only played one Ground RB with my squaddie but got that much when I was offline. Also, a lot of the people in the squad are online but they don’t accept my invites to join me. Should I change to a lower-tier squad?
Is the BMP-2 a squadron vehicle or a good tank to use with the squadron vehicle as a lineup? I’ve seen normal BMP-2s too.
It doesnt matter if u play with squadmates or not so dont worry about that u just need to be in a active squadrone and be active yourself not sure how it works exacly but its not hard to get 20k xp per 3 days in a good squadrone so just see how much u get when the screen of the squadrone vehicles pop up
It cant be 47k xp per week since u can get max of 40k per 6 days
The squadron bmp2m have better atgms and its very strong light tank
And yea it goes well with the 10.3 line up
In fact u can even take it to top tier since the missiles are so good
I mean the xp I get is quite random. I sometims get none, then one day I get 30,000… Don’t understand but I just want that Leo without paying 6.000 GE…
Yea… I am planning to get back to Russia after I finish germany… wanted to see if the bias was real or not. :)
U cant get 30k max is 20k and u get it every 3 days in this screen
Ofc on this he got only 6k which is low
Ohh its very real
All tho i do admit germany low tier is very strong as well
So do I always get xp every three days?
If u on a squadron yes u should get something(unless no one playing in the squadron)
thanks. A lot of ppl online in mine now…so i don have to move right?
If u get 20k(or a bit less) every 3 days so ur good
If u get under 15k i will advise u to move
M901 is pretty good IMO
M901 can be good but in my opinion it is to special for a rank 3
rank 3? its 8.3
i know but he is rank 3
no its not, its rank 6
your thinking of the m109