There is a gunsight on the F-15C that you can use if you lock the enemy but I don’t really like to use it. Getting good naturally takes time, there really isn’t a specific formula I like to use because you don’t get a lot of time to process where to shoot your target. Top tier is mostly about snapshots and that takes practice so my advice is just to boot up custom with a buddy and practice dogfighting.
I’m not sure what you mean. Like how to keep TWS on target without dying? If so, try to manage your closure rate after firing your missiles, meaning slow down. You can also just crank by turning to the gimbal limits of your radar you make sure you’re not heading straight to the target and the enemy’s missiles has to turn in order to chase you.
Not sure what this means at all.
Battle time is key for higher rewards. This means try to extend your life in a match and fight until the end.
Practice. You’ll learn the guns velocity and how to correctly aim it better over time using it. Just remember to spray and pray while paying attention to the tracers so you can know where you’re over or under-leading.
Aircraft’s that have Datalink (I believe the F-15C MSIP II has datalink, but I’m unsure about the tomcats) can provide mid-course flight trajectory updates. So if your radar (while in TWS mode or in a hard lock) pings/locks a targets a missile is going after then it will receive the data and update it trajectory to intercept the target. Keep in mind this only works before the missiles radar seeker on ARH missiles activates on it own. Once its within range and has a lock, there’s nothing you can do about it. I personally never use TWS unless I’m slinging hella long range Phoenix shots and want to make sure the targets get picked up by the bucket (the area the missile tries to lock when going pitbull. If the targets outside the area it won’t get a lock and essentially just fly into the ground unless it picks something up).
Do you know how to properly defend against SARH, ARH, and IRCCM missiles? There plenty of guides out there I can suggest to you if you’d like. I would also like to recommend that you use the new feature of split countermeasure keybinds to your advantage so you don’t run out.
Premium vehicles have the highest Silver Lion reward multipliers, and also have the lowest repair costs.
Premium account time increases the SL rewards from matches by 50% iirc, and increases RP gains by 100%.
Premium vehicles or talisman vehicles have the highest researching efficiency of all vehicles and are the best way to grind trees.
So if i have like 300 days of premium or something like that i’ll get more SL?
The premium account duration doesn’t effect it, just having premium account in general does. So long as you have a premium account bonus you will get extra rewards from everything.
For instance the “God Mode” achievement for killing a vehicle 6.3/6.7 BR higher than you that rewards 20k SL instead rewards premium player 30k SL (50% increase). Same goes for getting kills, bombing bases, killing AI targets, etc.
How much RP do u have in total my dude?
Well technically no one has any, since the RP is instantly spent on the vehicle you’re reaching. (And my Air TTs are already fully grinded)
Are you wondering how much RP I make on average from a match?
I’ve got like a little more then 15,000,000 RP How about you?
I’ll have to check when I get home (at work for awhile). Maybe it’s available on my stat card for you to check?