Call of the Dragon: Object 292

as i said:

i do admit my use of “barely” might not have been factually correct.
but i’m not talking about raw numbers here, i’m talking about performance against rounds it will encounter in game at that BR. Numbers alone wont really tell you much when the rounds wont pen either way, if the round can pen 470mm it does not matter if you have 490mm armor or 900mm armor, the round still wont go through.

to add to that the 120mm DM33 is a round you wont encounter until BR 11.3 at the earliest. the only DM 33 that is earlier is a 105mm and it has a pen of 408mm so will do nothing to the upper glacis of any of these tanks. i think there is only like two or three APFSDS rounds in the entire game at 10.0 or even 10.3 that can pen the upper glacis of the 292, a vast majority of APFSDS rounds at those BR are around 470mm pen or worse. heck even if you go to 10.7 it only add like 2 more rounds that are capable of penetrating the upper glacis of the 292.

This is what i mean when i say that its more comparable to T80U in armor . that is why i did protection maps and not raw numbers.

so its better armor than the T-80B that is BR 10.3 (if you want to go by numbers the T80B has an average of 400mm armor upper glacis against 120mm DM33 at 500m) and the 292 is almost identical to the T-72B in armor and has a WAY better round and WAY better acceleration, engine and handling so why would the 292 be the same BR as T-72B and lower than the T-80B? its obviously better than both those tanks at 10.0 and 10.3 respectively.

if we compare to T-90A at BR 10.7 then the T-90A has better armor but that is about it. the 292 is better in all other aspects. i doubt the 292 would be playable at 11.0 but i absolutely think it should be 10.7 when compared to its counterparts.

Edit: forgot about reload rate, its worse there.

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Yeah, just a straight up lie.

Not surprised, simply disappointing.

I’ve penned the crap out of tanks with most anything in the 9.3 region. Particularly side shots.

Also, to the last bit:

Yeah, I am. Don’t believe me, feel free to check my TikTok

Obj120 can easily pen M1A2 SEP V2 from the front, but it doesn’t mean they should fight each other in a match.

292 is simply worlds apart from any 9.0 and shouldn’t fight against them.
How is ztz88 vs 292 in any way fair?

292 should be 10.3 - 10.7.

Your argument really isn’t as good as you think it is.

Ok what you count as a “WT veteran”?

Because 9k matches since late 2021 definitely isn’t that.

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Dude. I said “veteran”. As in combat veteran.

Also, if you are really judging that someone isn’t “leet” enough off of some statistic, I’m literally dumbfounded by the level of gatekeeping you are blatantly engaging in.

I mean kudos for your service, but warthunder is far from training simulator for armed forces.

You could be veteran of 15 years that served on abrams during desert storm, but I can safely assume that during your first game ever, you would get stomped by 12 year old Timmy that plays 20 hours a day and soils himself in bed every other night just by the grace of little timmy being more familiar with game mechanics.

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I was in OIF. Abrams, Humvees, MRAPs. And thanks for the kudos, but I have an observation for you. Legitimately, is that what we’re reducing ourselves down to?

Attempting to belittle soiled children while we play? Because that’s not where I was going with this when I set out to be good at the game.

We are better than that.

That was to provide an absurd example to prove a point that just because person is a veteran doesnt mean they are good in the game, simple as.

I wouldnt say this to little timmys face. Likelyhood of little timmy the bed soiler being on this forum in this very topic is next to none.

Unless you happen to be named tim :p

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While I can appreciate reducto ad absurdum, I can say that after my first 400 matches on my first account, I had the game figured out fairly well. The rest became personal frustration learning each bell curve after each update and new vehicle I unlocked. That and of course map familiarization and watching players do the predictable thing of getting into a plane when we’re playing Ground RB.

I also don’t have the greatest equipment. I run off a GTX 960 at Mid graphics with some High settings, as can be seen in my Tiktoks. A 27 inch monitor that still suffers from shearing because it’s not up to date, and I’m on Wifi, not Ethernet.

Nevertheless, I give a good accounting of myself today. Lots of others suffer for lack of awareness and/or being outflanked when they least expect it, which increases frustration. Without a lot of time spent watching Youtubers and their own ballistics, I’d likely be in a similar boat.

All that being said, my observations about the Abrams and top tier today aside, the Object 292 just isn’t what everyone thinks.

Without thermals, it’s a much more difficult prospect to engage in sniping, particularly in the maps that Gaijin has today. That leaves it in a support role on overwatch, and only one shot every 10 seconds, with no machine-guns, means it cannot mark targets for others or even track enemies on a fast approach.

The round may be OP for 9.0, but as pointed out we already see that in the Object 120, and even that thing isn’t as terrifying to me anymore.

That obviously wasn’t clear enough, but my bad then.

Gatekeeping? No. Just that i count only those who are actually veterans AKA those who played from the start.

“Veteran” is supposed to show how long you’ve been playing a certain game. And if every dude who got the game few years ago is now a veteran, it clearly doesn’t mean that anymore.

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Glad to be of service.

400 matches * 12min average match length, assuming you play grohnd RB and rank III (length i measured yesterday while collecting data for event), thats 4800 minutes or 80 hours.

Thats the time it takes me to play through entiriety of dragon age origins, with mods.

I would be surprised if you didnt figure out at least the core mechanics by then.

Then again, looking at some of my team mates in top tier games…you are above average lmao.


Lolpen round every 10 seconds is still lolpen round every 10 seconds.

The platform is still slightly worse T-80U. It compensates for this with round thats better than the previously best round in game, DM53 fired by L/55, by whopping 40mm of flat pen.

There are tanks without thermals sitting at higher BRs, namely swedish T-80U and russian T-80UM2 with drozd. Both are completly fine.

Ergo 292 could go higher.

Object 120 is MUCH worse platform that can be UFPed (or rather turret faced) by most round it faces. Ergo TTKs are similiar.

Uptiered tanks and tanks at its own BR facing 292 have to go for weakspots while 292 plays point and click adventure, meaning TTK is much more favorable for 292.


Not that i disagree, at least entirely, but playtime alone does not mean said person understands the game.

Ive seen accounts that had premium jet with over 5000 air battles, 4700 deaths and 4 air to air kills. I would immidiately dismiss any claim regarding air to air combat made by said person, and im not the best air player around.

Other metrics such as average team placement, winrate and K/D needs to be considered too.

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I’m thinking you don’t understand the term glass cannon.

The 120 is an actually glass cannon in every sense of the word. For everything minus machine guns can pen the 120 from any range, at any side at most BRs. The American 37mm on tier 1 tanks can pen its turret at 500m.

Contrast this to the 292 which frontally is immune from a lot of rounds. Maybe pens are not the same as 100% pen. 10 second reload is more than enough if my shots have a 50/50 chance of penning. At the BR its getting added it is not a glass canon, it is a typical MBT. Its going to be the same as fighting T-72s.

If it runs as support as you say it will be a sniper tank most NATO tanks will struggle to do jack and all to. Even though it won’t have thermals, it only tanks two or three misses to zone in on the location. It still has a laser range finder and tier-worthy zoom. The M774 round will have tiny points to penetrate, which is just life back fighting Panthers in the Sherman.

Ten second reload isn’t a disadvantage if the enemy can’t reliably penetrate your turret. That is not how a glass cannon works. I’m mean even the M900 will struggle and that’s about the best round the US has at 10.0. Maybe you’ll get lucky and an M60-AMBT but those are rare.

This thing gets down tiered nothing but AGTMs could even thing of penning it frontally. So if the only solution is side shots, a “sniper” tank is pretty overpowered. If you need to aim for a weak spot on a tank that means its not a glass cannon.

Additionally I have to look at what line-ups it joins and what tanks it will be, as you say supporting. The TURMS, 2S3M, BMP-2M. The snail might as well remove the tech tree T-72s and 2S25M from the game at that point. Russian 10.0 will be just premium tanks, which is the main reason I know they’ll keep this at 10.0.


@Kanelikainalo I apologize for not being clearer, but thank you.

Also, I grasp your meaning, and while I’m sorry I misunderstood your meaning, frankly I feel as though we have seen a massive turnover of what “the old guard” was living under in this game, versus today.

And in my experience, anyone with greater than 400 hours played in this game is likely a veteran. The question is are they one who learns from mistakes, or one who continues to dunderhead it. I occasionally dunderhead because I’m aggressive as all get out in pushing cap points, but that’s my failing.


I haven’t played many other games aside from WT. See my graphics card and poor CPU. That being said, I’m sure those other games are decent enough in their own fashion.

I can respect your observations, but then I’m also of the opinion that most any high tier tank SHOULD have even first-gen thermals, simply because they’re practically mandatory and also almost always planned to be used.

But that’s me being opinionated.


Ditto with your observations, but with a minor caveat that two of those aren’t premiums. Nevertheless, yes, the 10.0 line-up of USSR is distinctly heavy on extreme vehicles with various improvements that came long after the 1980s.

Of course, Gaijin has made it clear they balance by win rate, COD playstyle, and fighting vehicles of near parity, not what is historically accurate.

A more difficult prospect would be to include the non-normalized gunners sights being used instead of the bore as the sight, since that eliminates a lot of the easy barrel shots that can be performed.

Sim is notorious for forcing players to be more like a tanker. But of course, they don’t want them staying there for over 3 hours, hence the other problems inherent to Sim.

But, assuming top tier tanks without thermals would get adjusted BRs in order to balance, then you would arrive at some rather…interesting balancing decisions.

Assuming every vehicle should get the abrams treatment, ie. M1A2 with its SEP upgrades being split into individual vehicles, applying that onto the russian MBTs, you would end up with T-80U without thermals (same as the swedish one) and T-80UM with thermals.

And where would you place thermal free T-80U? Thermals on MBTs (ie. Not scouts, tank destroyers and such) start to appear at around 9.3.

So we should place T-80U at 9.3? That would be extremely funni.

What i am trying to say, tank is not just thermals. It can have tools that compensate for lack of other tools.

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Ofcourse it doesn’t.

@Dinfire @Beeschurger

IMO veteran and good player are different things.

I’ve seen players with 30k matches that honestly just suck.
I’ve also seen players with >5k matches that are amazing, so i wouldn’t use “veteran” to talk about how good someone is, just that they’ve been playing for a decade.

T80UM2 does just fine at 11.0 without any.


Fair enough.

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LOSAT is bad and demands skills and strategy to use. And that thing is T80 based prot with big ass gun at 10.0 …

Missing pen, like almost all of the current NATO tanks? Because balance. How many of these were produced? How many were “actually” tested and not just paper tanks. See T-14.