Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

yes, normally they have a “time” on the achievements section for the final cut off when you can buy them, fairly certain its 11am GMT like usual but you would have to double check (not able to as of this moment)

is this what Gaijin wanted, every single event vehicle selling for $70 and upwards? What was wrong with having them sell for $20 so people who could still buy it for a somewhat reasonable amount?

Nothing is accomplished by making an absurd grind even more insane and Gaijin losing money in the process.

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I’m pretty sure they didn’t make any changes willy-nilly, but did an analysis how to maximize profit…

How does this maximize their profit? Rarity doesn’t really benefit them all that much.

you realise this is net loss for gaijin… do the math. 1300 coupons being sold atm for 74 GJN which comes to a total of 96,200 GJN, gaijin take a 20% cut per sale on this which means they gain about a 19,240 GJN profit just from sales alone (yes this doesnt include ppl actually putting money on the market)

the 2 last coupons on the market (vilkas and Mirage 2000) have 3000 coupons and 2950 coupons so a total of about 6000 selling for roughly 24 GJN each x2, so 48 GJN for 6000 coupons is roughly 288000 GJN and gaijin take a 20% cut from this if all sold, so thats roughly 57,600 GJN (again not including what it would be if ppl added GJN to there accounts)

Gaijin made the coupons rarer because they want to push slightly “stronger” coupons which makes them more appealing to players, hence the Jag having Magic 2s will more than likely get a BR adjustment to favour those being OP at lower BRs. but gaijin flat out dont make a profit vs last coupon events.

im not really sure how you come to this conclusion, gaijin would ONLY make a profit if that 1300 coupons turned into roughly 3000 and sold at the same value (74 GJN) OR if the coupon sold for roughly 230 GJN with 1300 coupons.

The only “profit” gaijin technically make here is from the initial conversion of real currency to GJN balance, due to the item being higher in value they therefor they make an initial higher conversion if someone wishes to buy said coupon BUT when was the last time you saw a mass group go and spend 74 GJN+ on a coupon using real cash (a few will do it) but the majority will use market manipulation/trends to stock pile GJN to do purchases like this because financially its bad to do this.

But realistically gaijins approach here isnt for ppl to drop big cash for GJN conversion, its actually to bleed current balances dry or reduce them, but sad reality is, thats a market for you and someone somewhere has to be the one to foot the bill/difference in any market exchange. but I’de easily argue this change is better because LESS ppl will have a coupon to “store” and less ppl will be inclined to spend way above premium prices for a coupon in mass unlike Vilkas type coupons that are dirt cheap you might as well not even make it a coupon imo once gaijin take there cut


And you consider that they won’t sell their own coupons if they decide to. Which I really doubt they won’t.

I do agree with your way of thinking that Gaijin would sell more coupons if they were cheaper and would probably profit more even getting smaller cut from each since there is simply way more players willing to buy an event vehicle for 20GJN than for 60GJN. But that is only if I ignored the fact that Gaijin can sell their own coupons and take a 100% profit on each, so making them rare benefits “someone” that has unlimited number of coupons to sell even more than before.

Gaijin doesnt take any cut, you cant “take out” the gjn back to real money.

They make their money when people put money into the market for GJN/instore credit/monopoly money.

The “cut” is there to remove the GJN from the market :)

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Just look at the 234/4 development once it stopped being as rare and was placed into crates.

Where do you think the most money is made.

Then there’s also the side of the argument that having like 5000 thousand coupons in the market opposed to a 1000 coupons means that 5000 people are interacting with the marketplace to sell it, and another 5000 people are spending money on the market, which means 10.000 players are participating on the marketplace, putting money on there to buy these vehicles or having earned money to spend on other things.

They can be buying other coupons or skins, decorations or buying premium vehicles or whatever, keeping the money flowing, keeping the market active, keeping players engaged and having a good time because they’re able to buy things they wanted.

And yeah, every transaction siphons money from the economy which has to be replenished.

I highly doubt this is more profitable for Gaijin, having fewer people on the market, engage with the market… there’s already a ton of stupid overpriced stuff on the market as it is, it’s pointless to even engage with it beyond just trying to make some money as nothing is selling for reasonable prices.

If you sell something on the market, Gaijin takes a 15% cut from the GJN price and you only get 85% of the transaction value, that’s a cut in what you could have earned. It’s actually the seller that pays that cut cause for the buyer they are simply paying the price. It’s like a tax, you sell something the buyer gives you the total price(tax included) but it’s you that ends losing that “tax” from your profit to Gaijin.

I mean it’s all in their currency and their market, they’ve already made their money from the initial transaction and are just bleeding the economy at that point.

Again, GJN is monopoly money, instore credit more than anything.

Gaijin doesnt make money by transactions, that tax is there only to reduce balance of users account.

you realise even if gaijin own there own market this is actually illegal right under US and UK laws and I’m fairly certain EU laws too.

gaijin “can” put extra coupons on there but if they were to put a substantial portion on there to inflate sales thats flat out illegal, but like I pointed out above with the math (even if we assume 15% as I thought it was 20%) gaijin would still net a negative if they put more coupons on because people will still undercut the higher bidder anyways so gaijin doing this would actually work againt them in the long run.

I’m just saying that the 15% cut applies to the seller and not to the buyer, for the buyer it would be the same situation whether Gaijin has a cut or not, the price would be the same.

Gaijin makes money with the replenishment of GJN balance but in practice it’s the same thing. They take a cut to the seller in every transaction and it’s replenished by someone else that would spend exactly the same whether there was a cut or not. Without any transaction there wouldn’t be any replenishment.

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yes and once bled how do you replenish it? by initial conversion transactions. hence I said that my reasoning for them making it rarer its actually not to make a “flat out profit” but bleed high earners accs on the market through the cut they take, thats why most people dont buy anything above premium priced coupons with real money (some do) but not to the extent people will if something is 20-30 GJN (half the price of a premium)

And if you have more coupons that are substantially cheaper thats a much lower conversion transaction taking place and less of a “cut” being taken from peoples gaijin balance if people are using stockpiled GJN. but this isnt new to any market.

But ide rather have less coupons flooding the market (not because they are higher value) but because it deters newer players dropping serious money on something they dont understand and getting burnt as a result. and with cheaper coupons you can amass a collection of vehicles and imo ruin some lobbies with lack of experience but its less of a “burn” if someone doesnt like said vehicle if its only 20-30 GJN vs 70-100 GJN+

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And who regulates the Gaiijn Market? Gaijin, right? 😉

Can? So what stops them? They control both the market and the currency, they can sell(create a coupon) or buy(create GJN) whatever they decide there. Why would they get a 15% cut if they can get 100%? The Gaijin Market is a money printing machine to Gaijin.

yes but who regulates Gaijin due to them handling real trasnactions, under the UK its the FCA (Finacial Conduct Authority) forget the EU and US ones but FCA dont allow you to market manipulate, people still try it and some get away with it but going of the numbers of coupons right now I highly doubt it (its pretty much in line with what I said would be the final amount being sold) 1200-1500 (maybe slightly more)

Can being they are “allowed” to put coupons on the market, they are just not allowed to inflate the prices, but inflating prices has the opposite effect because if you watch coupon sales orders, everyone is always undercutting the next to get a quick sale, so by gaijin inflating the coupons to absurd numbers it can do 1 of 2 things or both.

Either push people away from buying it (no one will drop £200+ on a 200GJN coupon will they) again some will but a very small minority will which in the long run could be financially worse of them.

Or they get undercut to a point if enough sellers are there they lose any potential gains they had hoped for because everyone undercut eachother and the price plataued to a standard price (could be higher than initial pricing without market inflation) but you would have to do it right to get it the way you wanted (you couldnt just pump the market with 200+ coupons and hope for the best)

Its not improbable but I highly highly doubt it, cz if someone found out gaijin were doing this then gaijin would be in some serious mess

I don’t see what is the difference between selling a vehicle pack on the Gaijin Store or selling GJN. You can only buy what is available, and in this case it’s only available cause Gaijin decides to. They don’t control how many coupons there will be in the market on the player side although they try to limit them as they just did but they can always add their own there and no one can really control it. Or it’s basically impossible to do so, especially since they added the “Anonymous” transactions. Remember that IS-7 coupon was also limited to an event and there are still ways for it to appear in the Gaijin Market, so how can anyone be certain that it is not Gaijin selling it? That was the perfect way for Gaijin to be able to keep selling their own IS-7 coupons since they have run out.

Let them add a E-100 or IS-7 coupon right now and let’s see how long it will take until someone spends an absurd amount to get them.

So you exclude the situation where it’s Gaijin that undercuts everyone else just to sell their own coupons first and deny any bigger profit to those that are selling their own.

Seriously, what would you do if you had the power to create a coupon right now? Wouldn’t you sell it beating everyone else? You’re printing money.

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Thats simply a lot of assumptions with no basis.

Firstly selling a vehicle on the market vs selling it on the store is hugely different… new accounts are capped on what they can put on the market for there balance which I believe for brand new accounts its 49 GJN or less. but this goes up based on what you spend “on the store” so even for new accounts gaijin actually have an incentive to push new players to the store vs the market because some physically wont even be able to buy some coupons due to them taking some accs over the caps set in place.

Secondly, they can control how many coupons can exist by simply making events harder for the average/below average player which also imo has the better effect of stopping new players from buying a lot of cheap top tier coupons and not understanding how to play thus ruining the balance/stats or x vehicle that gaijin will more than likely balanced “based on those stats” and we all know how that goes :D

Thirdly, the IS7 still appears because many accounts still have coupons in surplus. I’ve seen multiple people on reddit show screenshots of there entire coupon collections dating back to some of the first event coupons that happened. because unlike some people, many still a market as a “market” and know coupons over time will increase in value and as long as someone has a “buy order” that matches the sell order then its a guaranteed sale and an easy way to get GJN balance and buy other coupons OR GE/Prem time etc.

Again I wouldnt even consider gaijin to adding more “coupons” to there own market and even then they couldnt just “add hundreds or thousands” in one go, this would have to split over 12-24 months in chunks of 10-20 coupons to make it not look obvious but in the long run that just isnt viable for them when they can simply make events rarer and sellers dictate the value themselves based on “how good and how rare it will end up”

Cause Gaijin would ever admit they add their own coupons to the Gaijin Market right?

I wasn’t talking about what players do, I was talking about what Gaijin can do, for them selling a pack or GJN coins is the same, it’s all virtual and their stock is as limited as the wish from someone to buy it. There is no cap for Gaijin to add their own coupons to the market.

Exactly, they can limit them and they can create them as they wish, that’s what I just said above. They control it.

Yes, I know, I got a IS-7 coupon sitting on my PS4 account that I cannot sell. And I got plenty of vehicle coupons sitting on my now unlinked account. But why would anyone reasonable would keep one with the prices that players are offering for it, that would be very dumb. Gaijin can create any type of coupon and sell it, there is no control of it except by Gaijin, and you’d be too naive to think they won’t do it.