C-1 type schnellboot

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Hai Jing (former Yue 253) in Wusong 1951.
Looks like torpedos tubes were still on her a gun (possibly either 13 or 25mm) was added to her bow (not sure if this was from her post war mod or communist forces mod)

Bulgarian S-2 type should be similar to what the Chinese had.

In the late 1935 the Chinese navy’s new school for submarines and torpedo boats was looking to acquire modern torpedo boats. They sent officers and graduates of the school to England and Germany to learn about and acquire torpedo boats. In England they made a deal to acquire the CMB torpedo boats and in Germany a deal was made to acquire S2 torpedo boats and a torpedo boat tender. The S2 deal, however, fell apart when the boats meant for China were instead diverted to Spain for service in the Spanish civil war. As compensation Germany sent China 3 improved S2 type torpedo boats (C1-3) and they arrived at the outbreak of the second Sino Japanese war. These torpedo boats were named “ Yue 22”, “Yue 253”, “Yue 271”. China also ordered S-30 torpedo boats around this time but their delivery was cancelled when Germany dropped its alliance with China.

These improved S2 types were probably more or less the same as the Yugoslav and Bulgarian types in terms of appearance. They don’t have the slanted interrupted “belt” line bow of the original S2’s instead opting for a more streamlined look as the S6 type. The view port arrangement was kept mostly the same as the S2 instead of the S6 type’s more forward arrangement.

During the second sino Japanese war these boats saw varying degrees of combat though not as much as the CMB boats. In late 1938 Yue 22 was sank by Japanese aircraft, Yue 253 narrowly escaped after a failed attack on Japanese ships near Hukou and survived the war along with Yue 271. Afterwards the 2 surviving boats became part of the torpedo speedboat squadron in Nanjing with Japanese armament. They were renamed as Kuai 371 and 253 then Kuai 101, 102. In 1949 one of them (likely Yue 253/Kuai 101) defected to the communist side and became their first torpedo boat and was renamed “Hai Jing” (Sea whale). However she was changed to a patrol boat as there weren’t any torpedos to arm her with. She was decommissioned in 1963. Kuai 102 was damaged in a typhoon and scrapped.

Yugoslav S-2 type


Displacement: 60 tons

Complement: 11-13 crew

Material: possibly mahogany/lightmetal composite as other S2 types

Length: 27.4 m/ 60 ft

Width: 4.27 m/ 14 ft

Waterline: 1.83 m/ 6 ft

Engine: 3 x BF2/Z? V type 12 cylinder 4 stroke engines, 1 x auxiliary engine

Power: 3000HP

Top speed: 45 knots

Cruise speed: 32 knots


Guns: 1 x 20mm cannon (986 rounds)

Torpedos: 2 x 533mm torpedos

Post war armament (ROCN 1947):

1 x type 96 25mm gun
2 x 13mm guns
4 x Lewis 7.7mm machine guns (possibly 2 x twin mg’s)

Torpedos: ?




民国海军舰船志:1912-1937 作者 (author): 陈悦 著



Die Schnellboot-Seite - s-Boats in the Kriegsmarine - Types - UK

Lürssen Schnellboot in Bulgarian service - Other Forces | Gallery

Bulgarian torpedo boat of the Lürssen type

Royal Yugoslav navy torpedo boats - Page



+1 for the post-war config.

A +1 from me! Would be neat to have in a future Chinese Coastal TT!

I’m very impressed you were able to find a photo of these illusive boats!

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