BVP M-80A/98

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BVP M-80A/98

History and Description

On July 1, 2004, a new version of the M-80A infantry fighting vehicle, called the BVP M-80A/98 was shown at the military training ground in Nikinci, Serbia. The IFV received a new Serbian turret called M91E I/II Vidra, which is very similar to the Yugoslav M91 Vidra turret that was used on BVP M-80A1 and BTR-50S. The newer version has different optics and can fire more advanced missiles. The vehicle was never adopted by the Serbian army but was shown at several “Partner” military fairs. After receiving additional armor and other modern equipment in 2016, it became known as BVP M-80AB1 (2016).

Like the previous model, the BVP M-80A/98 uses the original M-80A hull with a Yugoslav OM-403, 320 hp engine which gives the vehicle around 22 of power to weight ratio. The armored body protects from 12.7 mm rounds from the front and 7.62 mm rounds from the sides and rear. What makes this vehicle stand out from the rest is the M91E I/II turret. Its armored protection consists of welded steel plates with a thickness of 25 mm on the front, 13 mm on the side, and 8 mm on the rear. It provides frontal protection from 20 mm rounds and side protection from 7.92 mm rounds. The M91E I/II turret weight of 1,430 kg increased the IFV’s weight to 14,560 kg. The BVP uses a 30 mm M86 Zastava gun with a combat kit of 200 shells. The gun moves 360 degrees horizontally at a maximum speed of 80 degrees/s, and from -7 to +65 degrees vertically at a speed of 50 degrees/s. It’s possible to install the 30 mm M89 Zastava gun with a dual-feed ammunition system. The turret also allows the installation of other weapons of the same caliber, e.g. Russian 2A42 30 mm. On top of the turret, there are two ATGM launchers for upgraded Yugoslav Malyutka 9M14P1 (460 mm of penetration) and 9M14P1B1 (580 mm of penetration) missiles with semi-automatic guidance. It also has the possibility of installing more modern Russian or Western ATGMs. On the left side of the launchers, there is an M86 7.62 machine gun with a combat kit of 2,000 bullets. On the left and right sides of the turret are two M79 82 mm smoke grenade launchers, which fire 2 or all 4 smoke grenades at the same time. The FCS of M91E I/II was copied from the BVP M-80A and consists of daytime DNS-1 sight and nighttime PNS-1 sight. The daytime sight has a magnification of 5.3x for ground targets and 1.1x for aerial targets. The field of view is 10 degrees for land and 50 degrees for targets in the air. The night sight contains a second-generation passive light intensifier. The field of view of this device is 6.5 degrees with a magnification of 7.2x.

There are two versions of the M91E I/II turret:

  • M91E I with unstabilized M86 30 mm gun
  • M91E II with stabilized M86 30 mm gun


  • Essentials
    • Length; 6.42 m
    • Width; 2.90 m
    • Height; more than 2.20 m
    • Mass; 14.560 t
    • Crew; 3
    • Driver and gunner NVD (second generation intensifier)
  • Protection
    • Armor;
      • Hull; 14 mm front, 9 mm sides, and rear
      • Turret; 25 mm front, 13 mm sides, 8 mm rear
    • APS; N/A
    • ERA; N/A
    • Smoke; 4x BDK M79 smoke grenades, ESS
  • Mobility
    • Engine; OM-403, 135 kW, 320 hp
    • Power/weight; 22.1 hp/t
    • Top speed; 65 kph
    • Amphibious; Yes
    • Amphibious speed; 7.8 kph
  • Firepower
    • Main; 30 mm M86
      • Penetration at 1000 m; 60 mm
      • Fire rate; 650-730 shots/min
      • Belt capacity; 200 rounds
      • 200 rounds in total
      • Stabilizer; Yes
      • Vertical; -7° / +65°
      • Gun elevation speed: 50°/s
      • Horizontal; 360°
      • Turret rotation speed; 80°/s
      • Zoom;
        • Day; 1.1 - 5.3x,
        • Night; 7.3x
    • Secondary; 7.62 mm M86
      • Penetration at 10 m; 10 mm
      • Fire rate; 700-800 shots/min
      • Belt capacity; 2000 rounds
      • 2000 rounds in total
    • Supplementary; U-10 ATGM launcher
      • 4x 9M14P1 Malyutka (SACLOS)
        • 2x ready to fire
        • Penetration; 460 mm
        • Speed; 120 m/s
        • Max firing distance: 3000 m
      • 4x 9M14P1B1 Malyutka (SACLOS)
        • 2x ready to fire
        • Penetration; 580 mm
        • Speed; 120 m/s
        • Max firing distance: 3000 m

BVP M-80A/98

Malyutka 9M14P1B1










30 mm M86 gun

30 mm M89 gun


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The stabilized version would be especially fun. +1

1 Like

Honestly one of my favorite IFV’s +1 tandem missiles, early ERA beware.

Edit: Answered my own question from my own suggestion:

  • Training (VG) M68
  • High Explosive (TFZ) M68
  • Armor Piercing (AP-T) M86