Broken controls for combined keys / keys become logically jammed

When using combined controls, say your movement keys are W A S D for aircraft. Coupling these with for example an ALT key to use as another control for guidance of the MCLOS, letting go of ALT doesn’t resume the function of the standard W A S D keys if any of these were pressed, like it did before the update.

I used this case as the easiest straightforward example that happens to affect me but I run into issues all the time, just only figuring out what works and what doesn’t so bear with me here.

  1. The number of features can get overwhelming and dedicating separate new keys for each control is clunky
  2. An advanced player will likely use key combos to streamline their gameplay further, think MEC or radar

I’m rather sure at least some will relate.
Regardless of whether this was a feature or a bug, it makes setting up a keyboard a minefield

TLDR, keys might jam if your previously working setup used too many combined keys in “wrong” order.

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Yeah, I’ve also had this issue. The bind gets stuck at whatever you pressed last. I’ve also seen this happen in GRB a bit where my W key would stop being pressed


This is still broken, I have my radar slew controls bound to ctrl+w/s/a/d and this change has made it so my plane will begin randomly rolling or throttling up/down whenever I try to slew my radar manually.


this is indeed a bug, as the original action, that should be suppressed by a modifier key, is only triggered the first time during an interval where the modifier key is held down.

however i am surprised, that this was reported on 12.9, as today was the first time i encountered this bug. Maybe they reverted some changes and unintentionally reintroduced this bug.