Broken again

I’m really starting to hate the stupid game updates. Must they break the CDK every time?

Any placement of an objectGroup item with ‘show unit assets’ button on creates a fatal error crash.


Yep, same here. And I have been putting hours into Sqn events! How much checking is done before they do game updates? Checking by Stevie Wonder…

I’m have the lot of errors related with animation sequences, but it almost never crashes

Btw, have any fellow CDK users experienced problems with disappearing units? like half the units and waypoints I’ve placed just randomly disappear, the console didn’t show any error before that happened. Really hate it, that is hours of work.

Ive been turning off the show assets button, placing the asset on the map and saving. Then turning the show assets button back on and continuing. 9 out of 10 times it works. Give it a try.

whats CDK

My brother in Christ you are on the CDK section of the forums 😭 “Creator development Kit” Where players can make vehicles, maps and missions.

War Thunder CDK

War Thunder CDK (Content Development Kit) is a set of tools for user content creation available to every player.