British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Looks like Britain are getting the F111C too

Was hoping for some more iconic British jets but its still cool to have, hopefully we get more Aussie aircraft later on


Imma be honest, I’m a bit sad it wasn’t a 111K, because well that’s actually British, and despite what Smin says, it did exist. Yes it wasn’t completed, but then you could make and argue the point about how the F-16AJ doesn’t exist at all and how the Yak 141 just didn’t do anything but fly around


I believe the reason it wasn’t added it because it isn’t really needed

Britain already has the Buccaneer, Tornado, Jaguar, Phantoms etc… and now the F111C which all do a similar job. It was mostly completed, but not fully and it never had weapons fitted for anything.

I’d really like to see the F111F just because it is a cool jet, but I can understand Gaijins reasoning here

I’m more annoyed about the EAP, Britain could have got that instead of the Gripen. Yes the EAP was never fully complete, but it was in no worse state than the Yak141 for example. It would have been a domestic top tier British jet, instead of just getting a Swedish one

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where has it been said were getting the f111c?

A gzabi leak from earlier today listed the F111C as coming for the UK

Smin1080P also hinted at it coming to the UK on the forums a few hours ago

I can’t say for certain but I’m pretty sure it will be

The F-111 in the teaser is a Aussie one, and Smin has made a meme that supports the leak that it’s for the UK tree.

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a viable alternative F-111C
Screenshot_20240830-064212_Chrome (1)


This should be right or I will be spitting. Yanks already filched my nation’s MBT, don’t want them to filch a plane of ours.

Would be cool to have A-4G or K as well. Much potential in those aircrafts


Still counts enough to add if the Yak 141 gets its guns n air to airs

Stormer Air Defence confirmed :)

Finally we get an alternative to the Stormer


I can get the data on the GaU-4 Vulcan if you need it.

hey thats me


All Tornados recieved a flight model change

They now pull a lot more AoA and turn harder. The combat flaps can now also be deployed at higher wing sweep angles.

Their energy retention is not as good now though, but thats expected.


It feels really sluggish, is that really the engines thrust?

New r*tarded 540lb bombs with No.118 tail units on the dev server

For comparison, plain green ones are the existing slick 540s that appear unchanged. The new ones are those with the yellow HE band




Well the WT community bombs aren’t new. They were added to the GR.7 last update.

Shame tbh, I did like blasting around my rate fights at 900kph and reversing people because I could hold that speed to infinity

But you can’t have it all ways. new changes felt nice, though 90% of the time on live I suspect I wouldn’t live long enough to notice (thanks Gaijin! F-14A in my BR rabge is really fun!)