British Vehicles in game currently that should have the ESS modification

Hi guys, currently in game there are quite a few British vehicles that should have the ESS module. They are as follows: Cromwell V (RP-3), Black Prince, Churchill VII, Comet I, Comet I “Iron Duke”, Churchill Crocodile, Challenger, Sherman Firefly, Avenger, Crusader AA MK II, Crusader AA MK I, Crusader MK III, Cromwell V, Archer and the Valentine MK XI. The reason they should have the modification is that they are all fitted with the British rear smoke dischargers, which once electronically ignited by the driver project a smoke trail in just the same manner as ESS for about a minute and a half, please find affixed additional documentation:

photo showing dischargers in use
usage of smoke dischargers 1
usage of smoke dischargers 2

For the vehicles individual bug reports please have a gander here:

Cromwell V (RP-3): Community Bug Reporting System
Black Prince: Community Bug Reporting System
Churchill VII: Community Bug Reporting System
Comet I : Community Bug Reporting System
Comet I “Iron Duke”: Community Bug Reporting System
Churchill Crocodile: Community Bug Reporting System
Challenger: Community Bug Reporting System
Sherman Firefly: Community Bug Reporting System
Avenger: Community Bug Reporting System
Crusader AA MK II: Community Bug Reporting System
Crusader AA MK I: Community Bug Reporting System
Crusader MK III: Community Bug Reporting System
Cromwell MK V: Community Bug Reporting System
Archer: Community Bug Reporting System
Valentine MK XI: Community Bug Reporting System


covers for the smoke dischargers for future possible bug reports


Just noticed these on the rear of the Comet (gib Comet B), how interesting it would be to have ESS at a BR where every vehicle isn’t equipped with thermals!

cue british vehicles just spewing diesel smoke everywhere from BR 3.7 to top tier

Aye it was standard issue for british tanks more or less from the get go in ww2 after the fall of france. There was also a upgrade kit to give ESS to radial shermans/ m3 lee/grants though i need more documentation on that before i can bug report it