British Army of the Rhine HQ Decal

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The second British Army of the Rhine (BOAR) was formed on 25 August 1945 to occupy defeated Germany and run the governing body in the British occupation zone before handing control to a new civilian authority. With the rise of the soviet threat the BOAR was refocused from occupation and policing to the defence of West Germany, from 1952 the commander of the BOAR was also the commander of NATO’s Northern Army Group. The BOAR was reformed into British Forces Germany in 1994 following the end of the cold war and related budget cuts.

The Decal

The decal I am proposing is that of the HQ badge of the BOAR in 1945, shown above. This was worn on the arm of members of the HQ formation. It’s red and blue shield was a standard design of the BOAR with each formation having their own golden symbol on top, this one featuring two crossed swords.






British Army of the Rhine 1945 Formation Sign Arm Badge HQ BAOR – British Badges and Medals
Formation badge, Headquarters British Army of the Rhine, 1958 (c) | Online Collection | National Army Museum, London
British Army of the Rhine - Wikipedia


+1 so John turns on a light in this basement

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Bro, why is this happening to me…

All I did was kidnap a few people now everybody is pretending like I’ve kidnapped them.

Anyways, vote yes or I’ll kidnap you

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+1 John loves me and “convinced” me to vote

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I do not like the British army of the whine. Ambfishious is not a good person.

Where’s the QRH decal?

+1, John has many pieces of information about me he will leak if I do not vote yes, help

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I would love to to see the Berlin Urban camo in the game as well.

Its in game on about 5003848593 vehicles?

+1 I love this, this vote is completly out of my free will, I am not in any form or shape of danger.

Nice ,so how do I obtain it to put on my vehicles?

I think most berlin btigade camouflages are marketplace

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My bad then mate.Maybe they come in later.Getting into Post war UK now

Oh yeah, its a cold war camo, you won’t find it on ww2 stuff

No but they have WW2 camo for vehciles that never wore it in reality ,I just mean put it out there as a general UK camo like the others.

I think Berlin brigade should be a default skin for all British cold war vehicles. I mean. There’s the watermelon skin and the El Alamein.


Yeah there are WW2 skins going on well into cold war

It’s on the Mk.10 & Marksman as in game unlocks. Most are marketplace though.

Would be nice tbh, it’s fairly iconic.

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Yeah. Some naysayers think that the Berlin Brigade camo is unnecessary. I think that he’s a moron.

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