Britain SPAA Voids - what could be added?

Hey, out of all places, it was fitting here :P

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Gaijin should just skip every other potential top tier spaa and just give Britain EMADS and let everyother nation rot for a year with lesser SPAA.

The ADATS is an SPAA now

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Also getting Stormer AD


I’m so happy


After playing with Stormer AD for a while, all i can say is, its a LAV-AD but trading speed and Hydra pod for a Radar. Still lacks 30mm GAU-13/A

I mean thats decent for 10.0 tbh… something for other people to take over le stormer HVM

2 reports i did

  1. Stormer AD incorrect 25mm gun Community Bug Reporting System

  2. Stormer AD lack of 30mm gun Community Bug Reporting System


it also should get apds no?
Also are you not sure your messing the 30 and 25 up? as the 30mm is called 30mm GAU-13/A

Nope. Unless you mean something else



Thats the same brochure…

says GAU 12U

You’re throwing me off lmao, I swear they’re exactly correct haha

Heh, that’s weird, especially if its the same brochure

Well, thanks ALVIS for doing that.


@Gunjob as you passed my report, what are we doing with it?

Whats the actual difference between the A and U GAU cannons?

At this point, idk

Wiki just says the A is worse lol