Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

Not that I’m a gaijin defender but any chance this is tied to a storage decision? The magazines would narrow towards the front and they already shown there seem to be some issues resulting

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Just another Gaijin’s mistake it is. This game is never ready for more ‘powerful and famous’ battleship they promise. I think they are worse than they were at 2022 or last year.

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It’s already been reported as a bug.

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bit late to ask but why is this even a rule as navel is mixed and what if you family has servered on the ship and you wanted to get the ship but did not play russia why should you have to grind russia

So is there any more improvements coming for Rodney, or that’s it for now? Because sinking is still an issue, which leads to already long reload getting even longer…

I know they plan to improve accuracy on large caliber guns, so that will help with poor damage output. Hopefully soon🤞

Sinking seems to have gotten better, it still happens a lot but not as quickly. Reload seems like it will stay the same for now judging by this:

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Im not expecting much for another few weeks. The devs have only just gotten back from holiday (orthodox christmas is 7th of Jan) and naval is the second lowest priority for devs just before Air Sim.

So hopefully we’ll see a rework of her water-tight compartments sometime in 2025

Bug report on the 15 inch bl mk1


Such a report should be made not only on Rodney, but also on all ships that have 356mm, 381mm and 410mm. Because all these calibers have a strong dispersion. I once even sent a screenshot where I hit with only two shells from 3.6 km with a 410mm Amagi, and the rest of the shells missed with a strong dispersion.



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Well, you need sources to do that.

As HK_Reporter said above. This problem exists in the calibers I listed. And according to him, he said this.



So I repeat, it’s not only Rodney who has the problem. And it will only be fixed after some time for many calibers. I hope of course that this will be corrected in one of the updates.

Different guns will have different levels of dispersal. If they are too model them correctly for each gun, then sources will be needed for each gun. I dont think it would be right to use data for British guns (which were renowned for their accuracy) to model the dispersal on German, Japanese, Italian or US guns. (otherwise I vote we use Japanese reload times on their 16" guns to buff Rodneys fire rate)

Given Rodney has half the fire-rate of the Amagi, the need is not quite as great for the Amagi to get major buffs. I have no doubt that the accuracy of most large calibre guns is underperforming, but as Devil said. Data will need to be found for those respective guns and reported in-turn.

The report wasn’t about rodney

Was about the guns barham, repulse, renown, hood and glorious use

I’m not saying that they should use data from British guns. I’m saying in general. That the problem exists. And even bug reporters said it.
Accuracy is clearly adjusted in a balanced way. Because if they had done it as historically, then the Japanese and British would have had accurate guns, and like the Italians, and for example, American cruisers would have had terrible accuracy. But in the game we once saw troubles with the accuracy of US and Italian cruisers, but this was fixed because it was unrealistic to play. So I don’t think that we need to talk about the fact that since the Japanese 410mm have a fast reload, it means that they should be ultra oblique and not hit from 3 kilometers, “for the sake of balance”. This is complete nonsense. Accuracy needs to be corrected for everyone, regardless of the rate of fire factor. And accuracy will clearly be adjusted for balance reasons, and not as it was historically.

I apologize then, I didn’t pay attention a little. At first it seemed that it was written about Rodney

I apologize. I just want to clarify. In your report, you wrote that the length of Hood’s ship is 283 meters?

It’s not his report


Damn, I got screwed again with someone else’s nickname now xD I apologize for that.


I definitely need to restore my sleep pattern and not sleep 2/3 hours a day…

Just spaded HMS Rodney and final impression


  1. Mega thick armor and Wonderful module layout
  2. Decent mobility and hydroplane
  3. Wonderful firing angle of main guns on front


  1. Loading time
  2. lifeboats in side limits firing angle of auxiliary guns and main guns(when firing backward)
  3. hull-destroy part cover both unarmored and armored part of ship

Nelson class is one of my favorite design for all naval ships(including non-comissioned or paper plans), and especially as most cons of her is by developers problem, not by her own, I wish her to be fixed soon. Also I’ll give my thanks to @Vota_piedra who makes wonderful ‘historical accurate’ camo of HMS Rodney when she fought against Bismarck.


I’m now prepared for the KGV class
This book has everything, plans, armour, weapons, history