Britain Air Forces

In fairness 141 was slated to enter service, but just never realised, EAP was slated to enter service but due the complete programme restructure into Eurofighter, EAP would never be realised. But it got close which is my point.

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Gotta say thats a bit of a leap, i think thats got more to do with the fact they wallace and grommited the EAP together from parts they had avaliable on a shoe string of a budget.

This is the bit your gonna have a real problem to prove as so far theres been absolutely no evidence of this.


Yes the factor of the singular tail was entirely down to it being an off-the-shelf solution from Tornado, as were many other decisions, but after Germany left, the EAP was designed to be the first of the UK’s AST403 specification aircraft, like DA.2 was for Eurofighter.

It is definitely the biggest hurdle, I’ve got some bits and pieces, but its not tied together, who knows, maybe it never will be.

Here’s a little bit about the avionics package:

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Yeah unfortunately i think that works contrary to your argument as it immplies the avionics bay on EAP wasnt inteded to be full load bearing

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I have a bit to go with that, EAP was considered the UK’s ACA Demonstrator, one of the two referenced here. (Sorry its not orientated right).

From what I see, they quickly developed a light load-bearing avionics bay, with the express intent of further development (including the mentioned cooling systems) for the Tornado ADV Avionics package. Again its intent for armament and installation of military equipment, similar to how considerations for the YAK-141’s IRST were made but never installed, considerations for the EAP/ACA to field Foxhunter and tornado Avionics were made, and its applicable based on that premise.


No, it’s 1/4 objections.
You forget that just adding EF Typhoon itself instead of a prototype is a primary objection.

Why? These are 2 entirely different aircraft, with entirely different performance. Though if you are advocating for EF Typhoon ASAP, then sure, will take EF Typhoon over EAP. This is about figure out someway Britain can actually get a competitive 12.3 to match the F-16 and Mig-29.

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If you prove EAP used countermeasures & weapons, then EAP & EF Ty would be identical.
Cause weapon choice is always valid.

There different airframes though right

But they aren’t the same aircraft. Different Radar, different weapons, different components. different engines. They are both delta wing and both canards, thats the only similarity


This is true, the reason I even have access to these sorts of things is because: ‘EAP is so removed from Typhoon that you would probably have better luck trying to replicate it with some American 4th gen’.


If we do get something this patch I’m hoping for either the Aussie or Canuk Hornet OR the ZA Gripen. The Shar or a new Tonka would be nice but I want something with more multi-purpose ability. That’s why I love the Phantoms so much.

Yep those are my hopes, EAP/ACA of course is at the top but those options are more realistic (and yet somewhat unrealistic).

I want something that can fight, not another missile boat. This isn’t low tier where you can have 7 planes in a row that do the same thing (spitfires, P-51’s, 109’s) it takes way too long to grind through things, so some variety would be very nice.

Plus the Shar wouldn’t even have the best radar nor would Tornado IIRC, because Gripen uses an upgrades Shar BV radar.

This one I want the most. (mostly because it would give me a reason to play air).

I’d love to see the CF-18/188 come but talks have moved away from an F-18 this update and towards the F-15 as the new big-name plane. But until the last dev blog, I’ll hope and pray for the CF-18.

I juts hope the UK gets anything good for the air mains.


Its because the F-15 would be broken to some degree and people know it, F-18 would be an F-16 with better AOA but worse performance otherwise but a better radar(?) and more missiles. US could get it, Germany can get it, Britain can get it. Israel or Japan both have some of the best F-16’s to supplement their top tier until a time when F-15C models would be much more balanced.

Meanwhile F-15 would have all the advantages of the F-18, but also be able to fight exceptionally vs most things short of an F-16 which it shouldn’t even have to dogfight against due to the ridiculous PoK with the radar and equal missiles.

I think the same that the f18 should come before the f15 but i doubt it

F-18 is probably the only CW jet I’d not mind. I feel Gripen is just a little messy for the British TT with its placeholder weapons from SAAF and any other options (looking at India) should be a major no go.

Though I think I’d still be happy with the SHar FA2 so long as it wasnt butchered and they have somewhat confirmed that ARH wouldnt be EVERY nation. So ARH vs SARH could make it quite strong.

Shar would work I suppose although it is still a fleet air defence fighter born out of the necessity of us lacking Cats and Traps. Still though the Gripen would be better in every tangible way bar hardpoints. Still it would work, I just wouldn’t expect it to be any more competitive than the current GR.7 is br for br other than having waaaaayyyy worse guns.

Even if you wanted a mig29k i think that jet its a bit too advanced with it weaponry but could be wrong on that

Im seeing it as a Gr7 with one of the best radars in game and 2x AMRAAM.

(I know its turn performance isnt quite as good, but off boresight shots should compensate for that)

Its perhaps my preference for SB that is fueling the desire for FA2 over other options. As Carrier take-offs and landings are common. Radar performance is a big deal, and cockpit visability is something to consider. Furballs are also rare, with 1v1 to 2v2 engagements the norm.