Britain Air Forces

Confuse the enemy (allies too)


So a smaller and lighter version of the Tempest Mk II.


Idk man…


hey, its smaller and lighter than the Tempest Mk.II isnt it?


Ok, you got a point.

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And it has double the wings that means it’s at least twice more effective at flying

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Just needs ASRAAM

I might want you add another fighter at rank IV Spiteful series, Sea Hornet NF. Mk.21, Sea Hornet F.20 & Spitfire F Mk. 21

Oman it might be sub tree for british in option 1 or sub tree for royal saudi in option 2 ?

Why Hunter T-8M as a 2nd aircraft premium golden eagle in rank 6 ?

Currently british none bomber 6.3-6.7 ?

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my guy this is a Sneak peak, not a full showing of the tree, there will be more to come in the future

I can assure you there are bombers at that rank

why do you think the Mk.II isn’t there, hmm?

Im joking of course

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True, we need that Swordfish with METEOR instead

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you get a Swordfish with floats, take it or leave it


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I’d pick the conversion of PP139 to (what I think is) Spitfire MK.23 standard. It was absolutely the last elliptical wing spitfire as you can see below the wings were incredible sharp too. I’m working on a post for it now

Prototype Spitfire F21 PP139



You mean the worlds first Helicopter that actually sank a Uboat in a dive bomb attack?

Helicopter is a strong word…

More like a floating bicycle given its speed


If it can sink a 49,500 ton battleship then it can sink a small submarine with pontoons attached.

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dont forget the work they did in tarranto

If they can sink and entire fleet then it can sink a U-boat even when weighed down with some pontoons.

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also its “replacement” the albacore would be nice to have