Britain Air Forces

Yeah I feel like no matter how Gaijin implement the Hornets, it’s going to be a shit fight.

I highly doubt the Australian Hornet in game will be anything more than just a skin for an American one.


The aussie ones have the naval parts removed

You mean R-Darter? Well we can always get a higher BR Cheetah C with them and a lower BR Cheetah E without them, would be a very unique aircraft with Fox 3s.


This info seems useful. Extra Canadian hornet info.

I can’t be the only one who thinks we struck gold with the Gripen and now will proceed to eat shit until the Eurofighter?

Like I doubt we get the F-18 as much as I love it.

Yeah, now I also doubt an F-18 for us, specially if we get some armament upgrades for Gripen.

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Yeah, I still see the Sea Harrier FA2 sooner rather than later, likely as our first AMRAAM carrier. But I reckon they’ll just milk the Gripen C for as long as absolutely possible until adding Typhoon late to all 3 nations. Likely will get AMRAAM eventually (though I dont think in the Fox 3 update)

I’m 97% sure Germany will receive the Swiss F-18 and Italy gets a Hungarian Gripen as a Typhoon stopgap.

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Italy, Probably, not a lot of other choice there, unless they add another F-16 Variant (I think hungary had the F-16 as well)

Germany, Im not sure. Maybe. More likely the F4F-Ice and they’ll just have to suffer for a while.

Italy used AIM-120C and AIM-9Li on their F-16s

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Yep, so they could get that upgrade, but that would either mean moving their 12.0 up, leaving a huge gap, or adding a second F-16A with those upgrades. Though perhaps would be kinda boring, so Im guessing Gripen C for them at some point.

Something else I’ve been thinking about:
Mirage F1AZ. A South African Mirage with a precedent on ground strike capacity (think MiG-27 compared to MiG-23). From what I have read it can use a HMD for AAM’s but no guided ordinance.

Mirage F1CZ. South African version of the Mirage. Interceptor version that the AZ was based on. From what I gather it should be capable of having a HMD as the AZ has one. Pretty much the same A/G loadout.

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Foldered F-16B Block 15 ADF with AIM-9M and AIM-120B

A Fr*nch girl also made this expanded British tree. I really do not agree with 80% of it.

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Yeah, no HS.1200 never left the ideas phase, a properly armed hawk 200 would be a fighter at 13.0, typhoon FGR.4 is not a strike aircraft, aint no way a Typhoon T.3 would be higher than the fgr.4, and why the hell is there an F-15C? The only commonwealth nation that uses them is Singapore who uses modified F-15SGs

Saudi Arabia?

I’d love to ask them why the Arrow is 11.3 yet the Voodo isn’t there. unless it’s the MK. 2.

Also could you make both Sea Harrier’s fighter aircraft. They’re fleet air defence fighters with secondary ground attack capability.

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Sad day for the Tornado Gr4 at 11.7. That means its basically got no upgrades over the Gr1

Actually, I kinda get why they did that. The Typhoons recent deployments in Op Shader were almost exclusively ground stike/CAS. So it semi-makes sense. Though the multi-role line makes more sense