Britain Air Forces

Fair enough

Wiki is highly detailed about CF-18 upgrades so just look there

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Imo it should go like this:

  • CF-18 early (AIM-9L, AIM-7M) - 12.0

  • CF-18 IMP (AIM-9M, AIM-120B) - 12.7+

  • CF-18 HEP (AIM-9X, AIM-120C/D) - 13.7+

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Wouldn’t it be better to switch F/A-18F with CF-188 HEP? Let’s say we limit them like this:

  • CF-188 HEP with AIM-9X and AIM-120C-1 (or C-5) at 13.7

  • F/A-18F with ASRAAM and AIM-120C-5 (or D) at 14.0

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HEP from what I read was a last-ditch effort to keep the thing alive until its replacement.

Which we now know is the F-35. (Well it will be CF-35 in Canadian service but weather it would be the CF-35 variant proposed is unknown)

Here we go the True Final Tree (for now)



Branch 2

Added F-15SG to end of line at rank 9 at BR 14.0

Branch 3

Changed BR of CF-188 Hornet to 12.0 (removed BVR missiles and AIM-9M)
Added CF-188 IMP folded with CF-188 Hornet at BR 12.7
Added CF-188 HEP after the F/A-18C at Rank 9 at 13.7

Branch 4

Renamed Hawk 100 (e) → Hawk 103

With Folders hidden




will do

looking good

With all the Commonwealth in UK tress stuff here are some useful resources for Canada’s stuff: (A YouTube channel that talks about mostly Canadian military air) (A list of every Canadian air vehicle used. extremely detailed down to the pilot at times) (extra useful in building the Canadian Air tree)


My thought process
CF-188 and RAAF F/A-18A is equal in the early versions.
CF-188 and RAAF F/A-18 were upgraded to F/A-18C standards.
They can be interchangeable.
RCAF never used the F/A-18E/F.

CF-188 early (9L/7M)
CF-188 IMP II (9M/120B)
CF-188 HEP (9X/120C-1)

RAAF F/A-18D (132/120C-1)
RAAF F/A-18F (132/120D)


The Australians only used the F/A-18 C, D and F variants so no single seater super hornet can come to them

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Huh. I didn’t realise that. Welp. So then should both of the Australian hornets be twin seat versions? It would make them unique

Would be nice. Single seat could always be squadron

its fine as is, theres no point putting a worse version of an aircraft that would essentially sit at the same BR when there is a better option

Australia bought A and B variant Hornets as well, ignoring upgrades that brought them up to C level specification.

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still no E variant tho

HUG Phase 2.4 = HEP from what I have seen. The only difference being CF-188 uses Sniper and F/A-18 uses Litening.

Yeah, just twin seater Fs and G spec Growlers.


Oh yeah shit I forgot about that.

Something else I found funny

“and had three main phases.[39] In Phase 1, which ran from mid-2000 through 2002, the Hornets’ computer systems, navigation system and radio were replaced. The aircraft were also fitted to operate the ASRAAM air-to-air missile; these weapons replaced the AIM-9 Sidewinder.[42] HUG Phase 2 comprised four sub-elements and sought to improve the Hornets’ combat performance.[39] During Phase 2.1 the APG-65 radar was replaced with the improved AN/APG-73”
The Aussies put the ASRAAM on their Hornet’s before putting the APG-73 on it. So we could have a F/A-18A hornet with ASRAAMs. And also before the JHMCS. So we can have an F/A-18A with AIM-7M, AIM-132 without a HMD and without any guided A/G ordinance.