Britain Air Forces

There is only two missiles currently in game that can use bank to turn Phoenix and a French radar missile

thats great just remember that you dont necessarily need bank-to-turn for full dual plane maneuverability

They couldnt. That said the J-8 couldn’t support SARHs but have them for balance reasons

Though at least that got a good breakdown as to why in the dev post though… would be interesting to see what sources they have for the Gripen…

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They removed J8F’s SARH before release, giving it more pl8s instead.

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Nevermind then i didn’t keep up with the news lol

Who damn well knows, it’s gaijin, they do as they please

Now we are getting a good top tier that’s one of my wishlist items ticked off, I hope the Gripen performs as good as it looks like it should.

there hasnt been many major changes to the Gripen flight model in datamines so it should perform pretty well, unless it gets completely reworked in the update tommorow that is.

I doubt it gets changed massively now, but who knows.

I just need to find a good way to grind it. I need to get some SL, get the SQN FRS Harrier and then just use that I think.

Im gonna do it in the F3 nado and possibly Harrier if i go insane enough

F4 junk for me

Imma bully mig 23s in SB with my Gr7 and it’s 9Ms heh

I think UK players should be very happy with the Gripen. It’s the best case scenario for them this update given that Eurofighter and some other stuff was denied.

It will also secure them as the only nation, aside from possibly Italy that will receive 2 of the 3 major modern European delta wing fighters (Gripen, Eurofighter, Rafale).

Very happy unless it got nefted massively this update from the dev
Which i doubt

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Oh we are, its just were going to suffer one last ride while we grind it lol

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I rushed for the FG Phantom thinking it would be alright and I could grind with it. 100 matches in and my worst K/D ratio yet and I have still not even got AIM-7E-2 lmao. I’m gonna start back from scratch and try and find something in rank 6 to get my SL up, buy the FRS.1 and then use that to get the Gripen.

Harrier GR.7 might be another way to go too. But I tell you what I will not fly another goddamn brick. I point blank refuse after spending hundreds of ours on Hunters, Javelins and Harriers and Phantoms.

well unfortunately for you all of top tier britain is a brick except for the Gripen C

I refuse to buy it, arguably should’ve been TT as at least it would be more different than the FG.1. Also another hard wing phantom. Hell no.

I Grinded the whole tech tree with it before the research buff