Britain Air Forces

Is it earlier to add than China F-5?
the first F-5 add in game is china TT F-5A in Ixwa Strike 10 March 2021

should what ?

US F-5

F-5C/E Red Skies 2 June 2021


Direct Hit 7 September 2021

China F-5

China F-5E
Danger Zone 15 June 2022

Ixwa Strike 10 March 2021

sorry for wrong reply

Tranche model was nothing bug an example, try not put my words into my word.

And last time i checked Uk doesnt have SA air tech tree, if this is the case then they should have add that line and put it JAS39C at the end which is not my point anyway.

İ want to see same plane on both tech tree at the same time, thats all.

They denied a full SA air line for the UK because the UK already has the max amount of air lines.

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İ know and that is not my point.

İm just pointing cause some people likes to do hypocracy.

Yeah honestly thats just how it is im afraid, You’ve ultimately got the best outcome your going to get and thats the 39C coming next patch, i dont agree with this, i dont know why they dont just add both the A and C to sweden and keep the SAAF C for UK but ultimately gaijin probably wont budge anyfurther.

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Sadly it seems that way.

Worst thing is they made JAS39A frankenstein type of plane, it has features from C model yet lacks vital parts as well.

Honestly the way they choose to model JAS39A is pretty disgusting.

I wouldnt expect it to change in any reasonable amount of time, maybe your 39A will be made more realistic upon the addition of the C but i doubt it. Look at how much reporting it takes to get any minor positive changes done to any western vic. French players spent a year just trying to get Magic 2 properly modeled, Brit players have spent years smashing against the wall for Challenger 2s to be something even close to the real thing, US players have spent a fair amount of time aswell trying to get the DU armour inserts for the later abrams all to no avail.

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As a Nato Main it hurts to see how other western vehicles butchered.

But like you pointed we have to do something in order to fix this mess.

I havent looked but i imagine a fair number of JAS39A reports have been made and thats all you can do and hope Tricktser doesnt discover them and instantly void them because its not a buff for the RU/CHI vics

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That guy is the bain of all Nato players.

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Not in RB anyway. you’d take the 9Ms anyday. Sim might be different but theres no point in ARB.

fine, but at the very least then provide a substitute… like perhaps a Sea Harrier with Amraam A before everyone else, or a EAP with just 9Ms… or a Typhoon F.2 with botch job Skyflash SuperTEMPs and 9Ms…

Idk, anything that has manouevrability and is likely to be vaguely competitive against an F-16 would be nice. Right now we have neither manouevrability or decent weapon sets (the exception to that statement being the Harrier GR.7, to which the counterplay is to never actually get near one)

Gaijin need to get a grip with what is and isn’t “balanced”
There seems to be no understanding that the GR.7 is not a fighter and the moment someone decides to kite away from you there’s nothing you can do.

Didn’t you say the Gripen’s radar is based on blue vixen so how good is that

Sea harrier fa2 would go higher then our gripen C most likely
EAP has been as seen as never to have bben considered for weapons so can’t have that
And no one want a EFT thats gimped with missiles worse then the aim7m when it should have AMRAAMS

may as well not bother then, we get a bit more range out of our missiles on the GR.7 for worse turning performance and still get a honking big penalty for having vaguely competitive weapons

Also, fun fact, you will be able to see F-15As, and Su-27s in a Tornado GR.1, or a Brit Phantom. Can’t wait for that

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BR is subject to change

yes but lets be real here, unless we mob gaijin’s offices they won’t move them up.


From what I’ve seen the F15A is not as good as the F16c but the Su27 is much better then the smt so who knows

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F-16 will beat it in close combat. the question will be how good is the F-15 in BVR. Su-27 will probably be better but…

Not that that matters, we won’t stand a chance in the Phantomz

Su27 will be better in bvr due to r27 go zoom

If the Gripen C we get is as good as i think it gonna be we will be fine in that