Britain Air Forces

There’s no such a thing as Gripen C (early) in SAAF service. It exists in a single version which most likely will be fitted with non-service laodouts anyway. Spliting it into 2 fictional versions would be too much imo.

There also is the Gripen D should there actually be a need for a different BR version

A early Hawk 200 would be at 11.0-11.3. It wouldn’t make any sense at 11.7.
The late Hawk 200 would sit wherever the minimum BR for AMRAAMs ends up being.

Gripen C (SAAF) armed guidance medium-range active radar homing BVR Air-to-Air Missile ?

I found Gripen C integrated & equipped new beyond visual range (BVR) from Denel Dynamics

BAE Hawk 200 (e) could be 11.3 BR only ?

I wonder BAE Hawk 200 (e) armed guidance IR AIM-9L only or AIM-9G & AIM-9L ?

and armed guidance SARH BVR Skyflash Temp or Skyflash SuperTemp ?

I guess BAE Hawk late could be 12.7 BR min or 13.0 BR max

It’s not the african Gripen tho. They were only integrated with basic Gripen weapons AIM-9L (M still can be used) and AIM-120B + IRIS-T and A-Darter capability.

I’m expecting it to get AIM-120B and AIM-9M as placeholders for balance. If it comes that is.

The early BAe Hawk 200 would be armed with AIM-9Ls and Skyflashes. There is no reason to add a Hawk 200 without Skyflashes as the Hawk T1 and Hawk 50-128 exist and are limited to Sidewinders.

The late Hawk 200 would carry AMRAAMs, so it would ideally be at least 12.7 to prevent gen 3 airframes from having to deal with that kind of missile

Pretty sure they still haven’t produced a combat capable A-Darter missile, so that capability can safely be ignored

I’d guess hawk 200 with 2-4x aim 9L and 2x Skyflash at about 11.0, based upon it being a subsonic. Having that BVR puts it slightly higher than FRS1, but subsonic lower than Phantoms or F3.

I can already see gaijin arguing that the down-sized F-16 radar puts it on the same level as the Spey Phantoms and the F.3 lmao

Maybe, but it would be tricky at that BR, but further proves how compressed that bracket is

It would really come down to what Skyflash it had I reckon.

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So are there any other aircraft I don’t know about that can carry the SuperTEMP?

None that come to mind. At least that actually saw service. Probably a few prototypes that were planned for it

BAE Hawk 200 (e) at 11.0 BR only ? Surprise

You guess BAE Hawk 100 Early could be 10.3 or 10.7 BR

Gripen C (SAAF) armed Air-to-Air Missile downgrade from gajin idea ? Not bad

You guess in the future gajin might consider Gripen C (HuAF) with downgraded Air-to-Air Missile like Gripen C Early from swedish ?

So just the Tornado, Hawk, and EAP then.

There can’t really be a early Hawk 100, as the Hawk 100 is one of multiple base models that were developed over time.
The Hawk has been in production for a long time and went through several iterations. A lot of the countries that ordered the Hawk had some kind of modification done to it.
I suggest you take a look at this wikipedia page to get an idea of just how many very slightly different variants there really are and what their different designations mean.

Only radar equipped aircraft with BVR in the RAF arsenal (as far as I am aware) are the Phantoms FGR2, FG1 and F3. (I don’t think any used SuperTEMP. Hawk (though it was mostly a trainer) and the Tornado F3.

Sea Harrier FA2 was AMRAAM only. Very early typhoons were trialled with Skyflash too

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But was there any tests on the Shar or did they just immediately focus only on the 120.

As far as I am aware. Blue Vixen was designed with AMRAAM in mind and lacks the ability to guide SARH. But I could be wrong about that. I don’t know if the FAA ever had a prototype, something half way between the FRS1 and FA2 with SARH, but it’s possible.

The biggest gripe I have with the Harrier is my only one: the lack of SARH. With a nation that pioneered the monopulse radar and was the 2nd nation with a monopulse radar homing missile I’m surprised they never decided to slap the Skyflash onto the Shar. I know it was a rush job but if they spent about 6 more months on the Blue Fox they could’ve done something great. The Shar replaced the Phantom for FLEET AIR DEFENCE, if they couldn’t provide adequate protection for the fleet then why did they just leave it with the sidewinders?