Britain Air Forces

I think there are already multiple

I’m being satirical. Not to be rude, but haven’t you read all the threads and complaints about people being mad that their bug reports are being closed, even with valid proof, and the moderators telling them to pretty much leak classified information?

And by the way, Warthunder players should not have to go out of their way to make a bug report for such an obvious issue, when a community manager who can directly tell the devs about it knows about the bug. We all get it, there’s some sort of routine to this stuff. But cmon man, really?

80k away from it, playing FG/FGR for the whole day, i can almost taste it

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Damn you’re gonna have it real soon. I’ll probably miss the hype as I need to grind another harrier and then the Gripen but at least it’ll have me set for when the Eurofighter drops.

I dunno how you guys grind so fast.

I’ve got 140k left after 5 hours in my tornado F.3. I remember when I researched the FGr.2 in 20 games in my hunter F6. Researching was easier back then.

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We have and will never ask anyone to leak anything or share classified or restricted material. We have been very clear on this: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)

If a report is closed, its usually always given the explanation from the developers as to why wherever its possible to do so.

There is no need to go out of the way. We have a dedicated bug site that can even be reached via a link in game. Its possible to make a report in under a minute in some cases for minor issues.

We ask for reports to be made for issues for several reasons. One, it provides a real time traceable link for everyone to see. This means its status and progress can be checked at any time and by any one. Secondly because it ensures it is correctly logged with everything required to confirm it is actually a bug. Often just a post or claim is not much use at all.

Lastly, yes, naturally we are rounding up feedback and passing all comments onto the developers. But this is primarily about the larger community wide concerns and issues focused on the first day of feedback. As part of this, we still include links to reported bugs and issues. Sadly if it was just as easy to ping me every time a bug was found just to say “fix this”, I would not be able to do my actual role and the whole point of a bug reporting system would be irrelevant anyway as nobody would ever make one.

Its for this reason, we simply ask, if you experience an issue, please report it correctly and then we can handle it correctly. As Morvran_ has already done. The report has already been passed for review.


Grinding aicraft is still much better than grinding tanks, I have no idea where to start the Chally 3, thats going to take a while.

I purposely didn’t spade my 2E and blacknight for that reason lol


That report contains wrong information.

Whoever made that report is kept forgetting that in game Gripen A is a very late model modification which has many features you can find on C.

İ dont know why he’s purposely trying to nerf Gripen A even more, it already has less large caliber countermeasures and worse mavericks compare to Gripen C.

maybe A variant doesn’t use this countermeasure pod


“In parallel the so-called integration missiles that went to Saab. So they have in Sweden already integrated the missile with the structure of the aircraft, the mechanical integration of the missile with the aircraft and with the avionics, which is very complex on the Gripen. They conducted a series of flight tests where they flew with this missile in extreme angles of attack up to 12G, (12 times standard earth gravity) and up to 13 700m in altitude to ensure the aircraft wasn’t damaged.” The firing of the missile off the aircraft will be tested as a separate activity but it is these days fairly predictable.

That’s a quote from, who was at the time, one of the executives of demel dynamics, who were making the A-Darter with South Africa.

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Might as well they could add it since our Gripen A is basically unofficial C model.

Although im ok with 12 less large caliber countermeasures i will certainly not be ok without those 80 large caliber ones.

Is this any use? It’s in a peer reviewed journal so I don’t know how much more solid we can get than that.

With a pitch stick command to the softstop, the pilot
commands load factor to the load factor limit, when
the aircraft speed is above corner speed (corner speed
is approximately 600 km/h). Below corner speed a
pilot command to the soft stop means an angle of
attack command to the angle of attack limit. When the
control stick is pushed max forward, the pilot
commands normal load factor to the negative load
factor limit and below corner speed negative angle of
attack to the negative angle of attack limit. The
maximum stick forward position is -7 degrees.
There is a possibility for the pilot to override the soft
stop in an emergency situation and pull the control
stick back to the hard stop and thus get an extra 3g,
when aircraft speed is above 600 km/h. This requires
an extra stick force of approximately 135 N.


any news about jas39c central pylon loadout?

She’s Glorious



I had to make some modifications to mine


(WT Live // Camouflage by Hassan_Tiger)

Just need to edit the blk to make it work for the Gripen C


Why do I still follow this thread?
I don’t play Air and only joined due to the chance of CF-18/188 in the UK tree but now that seems unlikely(if not impossible).

You are one of us now :P


Yes, I Like It. I Like It a Lot! - Evil Plotting Raccoon | Make a Meme

I need to stop communicating with meme’s