Bradley Evolution

Thank you, that video is very informative! Though the video, afaik, seems to be focused around the ERA added on to the Bradley. That would make a lot more sense for it being protected from 30mm APFSDS, as the video clearly demonstrates, though our M3A3 in game unfortunately doesn’t get any ERA (yet).

Someone in Russia or Ukraine should make a video testing this claim on a Bradley with an 30mm ap-t & apds then submit it to this thread.

Or someone with a lot of money should purchase a bradley. 😉 then destroy it for the sake of our discussion on war thunder lol

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Well, Gaijin does have a lot of money…

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Gaijin is incredibly stingy when it comes to STANAG rating. CR2 enjoyers had a round with Gaijin a few months ago with the TES’s STANAG 5 rating.

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Wasn’t it about Gaijin interpreting the STANAG rating as being tank armor + applique armor?

😂 I know that’s right! . I’ve given them a fortune(not to happy about it) but it is what it is. 😉

No its a mix. The skirts are twin gapped steel plates, but all of the upper hull applique are AL alloy. Any “dumb plate” is going to have some RHA equivalent.

Sort of like in WT volumetric and RNG is going to not be 100% certain results, any arbitrary specification doesn’t necessarily mean its always going to work. There is also OPSEC and… lets be honest, corporate marketing and political shenanigans in STANAG.

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I doubt this is against 30mm APFSDS, APDS probably yeah

Funny how this should apply to a lot of vehicles in general. Many of the MEXAS covered stuff we have should be operating under this same concept but dont.

Just more examples of non-russian vehicles need FAR more proof to receive a minor buff.

That aluminum “dumb plate” includes a mixture of different metals. This mixture does include titanium & zinc


“Apparently” this alloy creates chemical reactions which helps with its protective values when met with some projectiles…

LOL. Not what I meant. I was referring to monothic plate vs composite or NERA.

Does anyone in this warthunder group operate a Bradley in the military? Looking for someone to vouch for the Bradley armor resistance against 30mm…… anyone?