You’re going to tell me what I can and can’t do with an autocannon firing 57mm highly mobile tank that can easily nuke anything it faces? Mmm, okay. I would say you had a better argument with the heavy tanks, at least they actually suffer in uptiers. Light vehicles are what you bring to be uptiered in.
Like I said, I play that 8.3 line-up for fun. If I wasn’t doing well and enjoying it, I simply wouldn’t use it. I have the whole tree unlocked. If you don’t like that example, form your own line-ups, which is the point I’m making. Some vehicles are good in uptiers, some are not. Vehicles can be situational - that is okay.
You can’t destroy T55M/STRV103 in front, and your mobility is not good enough when comparing ITPSV, and also considering the gun rpm and turret speed…, of course, I am not going to say PT76-57 is not good, but consider against other SPAA at this BR, don’t you really think you have any advantage?
For sure the light tanks at this BR range is fine, sometimes to play FJ4B, I will take XM800T to 8.7, which is still good, but these won’t happen on most MBT and heavy tanks.
Why am I taking them from the front? Disable the gun and flank as required if you come across them face-to-face, which you shouldn’t be. Not sure why you’re hyper-fixating on the PT. Just use Soviet 8.7 if you’re not confident in it. Playing a light tank requires to use some thinking, indeed. I’m not saying that Sweden 8.7 isn’t great, it’s one of the best. But I happily play USSR 8.3 knowing I can be uptiered to face it. Also, SPAA vs light vehicle is not a good time - cool, if they see you and target you first.
Anyway, sounds like we don’t see eye to eye on this. Just know that I’ve played thousands of games in between 7.3-9.3 and it is the best part of the game for me.
Still, how can you promise each of time you can shot the side armor? by the way, PT76 could be pen by 12.7mm MG.
I am sure you know at least some of SPAAs have much better mobility than PT76-57
Same I have played that since 2016, and the issue still hasn’t been solved, heavy tanks and MBTs still suffer at this BR range, and they are the main parts of this BR.
Dude, 9.0 China is genuinely amazing for me and idk how. On paper the T-69 II G is pretty mid for 9.0 but I swear that thing is a nuke printer. Just got one a few minutes ago and got 58k RP towards the CM11 and 1 million SL in one game.
9.x~10.x AAA against CAS is quite broken, on one hand you see 8ish 9ish dumb weapon CAS plane got downed by stingers gepards one by one no skill needed, on the other hand I’ve done a 11kill on a single su22m3 with fab500s24s25 load. enemy failing to pour out any weapon with AA spawned… Full load su22 is sth that cant pull off a hdn stinger
All 10 tech trees have good to amazing 9.3 lineups, it’s the healthiest BR in the game for variety and thus among the most popular.
Popularity is the exclusive reason why uptiers are common or not.
One of the best line-ups, for sure. Will be using it tonight to grind the next stage of the event :)
Look at what vehicles are at 8.7. Yeah, you can have good games in Maus and IS-4M, but your armor means nothing to the 8.7, while your gun and reload are no match for theirs. Doesn’t mean you can’t do well, but you’re certainly up against it. Your main advantages mean absolutely nothing at the higher BR. Basically, if you’re already complaining about uptiers like OP, then these are the ones you want to avoid uptiering. Obviously, only a fraction of the enemy team will be at that higher BR in the given game, but still.
Those types of 7.7 heavies work far better in a downtier than most other 7.7s, but work far worse in an uptier than most other 7.7s - which kinda makes them balanced.
Such kind of difference is not fair enough, think about those panthers and tigers, the only similar case is T32/T32E1, which have a little bit of difference in their armors, just 0.3/0.4 BR difference will make these tanks performance totally different
I put it down to those BRs being the transition between:
Tanks that have basic optics, full calibre AP, no stabilisers.
Vs tanks that indroduce sabot and fin stabilised ammo, gyroscopic stabilisation on the gun, telescopic/laser rangefinders and thermal imaging.
7.3-9.3 is essentially the transition between two different meta. Frankly I don’t think you can decompress the feeling away. Decompression will make for fairer fights theoretically, but the difference in playstyle will still need to be overcome by the player.
The difference at this range is huge, laser range finder, APFSDS, Thermal, STAB… even only 0.3 BR difference will make a big difference, such as centurion mk10 and Olifant, the Olifant MK1 has APFSDS and laser range finder, but some of them suffering from BR due to engine or armor is a little bit different, like T32