Mixed. Line up.
Honestly a naval botter could have written this entire thread. “Please make battles as simple and short as possible so I can maintain my completely mindless and easily automated experience. Please do not allow any situation where a human would have advantage.”
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Torpedos work with WT Navy at a distance of 500m, else with more distance, torpedo attack will probably fail :-)
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Well, yes hitting with torpedoes can be challenging, but if you know where to aim( and at who…) could be possible even at kilometers of distance, just need a couple of minute of patience ;)
To be honest, I’ve never hitted a ship whit torpedoes under 5/6km distance away…
Mine work fine out to 15km for Long lance, and maximum ranges for others too - heck I’ve even killed carriers at almost 20km with some…
Learn-to-play issue.
In my BR range, I am now on BR4.7,
if I have a fast boat or ship ( which is not handicaped by enemy destructions ), mostly I may turn the ship in the direction of the torpedos not to get hurt.
Or I may run away with the boat or ship…
Of course my crews sank with their boats and ships in many cases even of far distance torpedos, but then just if it is a torpoedo swarm, where I cannot swim in between with my boat/ship ( a rare situation so far).
Otherwise, for distances for more than 500m, I still usually miss-guess the position of the red ship when the torpedos reach the supposed target area
You are playing AB - you have a torpedo lead indicator, and infinite reloads…
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