BR decompression suggestion of capital ships on naval realistic

Yes there are many talks about BR decompression of naval, but afaik there are no specific decompression of how much we have to, and where each ship needs to go. So I made one. I’ve included every nation’s capital ships that added till update Firebirds from Ikoma to Scharnhorst, and extend range from 5.7 to 8.0 from 5.7 to 7.0. Not my sole idea, I got help from some players I’ve known for playing naval, but also welcome idea from other players on forum. If you want to know why I station specific ship on that place, ask me, and we can have discussion about it.

Context will be revised till Gaijin accept decompression to the acceptable level, and when every new ship(whether on tech tree or premium/event) added, I will add those ship on here after two or three weeks after that ship is needed, as we need to see how that ship actually perform in live server.

Caution: this is for Realistic only. For Arcade, so many players always oppose idea of decompression because of CAS, and I’m not naval arcade player, so makes your own if needed and please don’t say decompression will make CAS too strong ~ like on here.

United States
of America
Germany USSR Great Britain Japan Italy France
5.7 IJN Ikoma
IJN Kurama
6 HMS Invincible
HMS Glorious
6.3 USS North Dakota SMS Westfalen
SMS Nassau
SMS Oestfriesland
SMS Helgoland
SMS Von der Tann
HMS Dreadnought
HMS Queen Mary
IJN Settsu Courbet
6.7 USS Wyoming
USS Arkansas
SMS Kaiser
SMS Derfflinger
Imperatritsa Mariya
HMS Colossus RN Dante Alighieri
RN Leonardo Da Vinci
RN Andrea Doria
7 USS Texas
USS Nevada
Parizhskaya Kommuna
HMS Orion
HMS Renown
HMS Repulse
IJN Yamashiro
IJN Hyuga
7.3 USS Arizona
USS Mississipi
USS Tennesse
SMS Bayern
SMS Baden
SMS Saschen
Erstatz Yorck
HMS Iron Duke
HMS Marlborough
IJN Kongo
IJN Haruna
IJN Fuso
RN Francesco Caracciolo
7.7 USS Alaska Novorossiysk
HMS Barham
HMS Rodney
IJN Mutsu
RN Conte di Cavour
RN Duilio
8 Scharnhorst HMS Hood IJN Amagi

Wouldnt consider Hood a direct equal to the Scharnhorst, especially as it feels like her guns got a major nerf this update. Closest equivalent for the British TT would be a WW2 refit QE-Class or KGV.

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I’ve aware of British 15’’ doesn’t feel that powerful as before, but decide to remain Hood as same as Scharnhorst for following reasons

  1. Extend even further to 8.3 will make possibility of decompression less
  2. Scharnhorst also got nerfed on its survivability due to barbette-magazine sharpnel problem, making her hard to brawl as before.

For QE and KGV… they are not yet in game, though I expect KGV as similar or better than Hood while refit QE class should be still lower than Hood for its slow speed and worse armor layout.

Refit QE has better armour and AA than Hood from what I understand. But the same main guns. Also the QE refit has the more powerful secondary guns.

There’s no change to the UK 15" in this update whatsoever. The update on this Friday does reduce the effectiveness of all naval guns as now shrapnels doesn’t magically phase through armour.

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Since the update myself and a few others have noticed that 15" guns just feel like they wont pen anymore.

I’ll nail a battleship with a full broadside and where before it would at least do sizeable crew damage, now wont do any damage at all. Round after round you can pump into a target and in something like Barham i’m finding the 6" guns with HE shells do more damage than the 15" inch guns with AP.

It’s much more likely personal experience as there’re other people including me doesn’t feel the gun getting less effective. I still ammorack battleships left and right with Hood and Renown until Friday when everyone gets much more durable than before. I played over 10 battles in Hood since Friday and didn’t die a single once, which is why I support the OP’s point to put Hood at an equal BR as Scharnhorst due to its monstrous survivability.

The only disagreement I have is putting Amagi at 7.7. Imo she’s as effective as Scharnhorst and Hood due to sheer firepower on top of acceptable survivability.

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Meanwhile i’ve gone from multiple kills per match to rarely getting even 1 with Hood, even with multiple respawns.

Well… Just had a match. 4x 15" APC rounds fired at less than 1.5km at an RN Andrea Doria, all 4 none-pens.

He ended up ammo racking me with HE.

That match we were trading blows on a fairly regular basis and a fair number of shells werent doing any damage, but every single shell of his was doing decent damage.

Respawned in the Renown, same again, salvo after salvo into a different battleship, didnt really feel like the APC rounds were doing much

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I’m actually base on my experience at right after she added. it seems her survivability becomes little better after Firebirds, though my personal feeling as meeting it as enemy. Maybe have to look at her in myself using it.

It’s a strong suggestion but the core problem I see with decompression is that there are presently way too few naval players to spread the match maker any thinner. With Scharnhorst and Hood alone you’d be waiting an hour for an 8.0 match. Decompression will only come after numerous more vehicle additions, and being that naval is not Gaijin’s priority, that’s at best a long-term expectation. Mid-term, I’m assuming very little change as far as naval BRs are concerned.

In many cases “non penetration” you get are actually misses, because shrapnels hit the ship anyway they are counted as “hits” although for obvious reason these would be non penetration. Remember the accuracy of this gun is rather bad so the damage outcome can be vastly different depending on luck. It’s impossible to hit and not penetrate Andrea Doria at 1.5km unless you just near missed. At that range I can even guarantee one salvo kill a Scharnhorst.

Like I said before there’s no change of penetration to the UK 15" or any other shell in the game in the Firebird update. If they can penetrate something in the past updates, they still do now, it’s simple as that.

As a player who grind all nation’s capital ships since New Power, I’m thinking opposite to you. BR compression makes old naval players leave the game, and new ones are being massacred by old players using BR-OP ship. As years of new ships addition proved it, ‘more vehicle addition’ only means new players have to grind more to get top BR capital ships, nothing change from some ship take control of throne.

BR decompression is more needed for attracting players as making more ships playable.

My only initial changes would be moving Hood back to 7.7, moving the Mutsu and Amagi to 8 with the Scharnhorst and moving the Francesco Caraccilio back to 7 due to it only having SAP.

I think Amagi should remove to 8.0 and Hood should return to 7.7 . All 381/410 cannon in game have the worst scatter , but Amagi has 2 more cannons than Hood , the quantity makes up for scatter.

Yes , since last Friday’s update , all types of ammo is more nerf than before , but I don’t konw if it’s a bug , in analysis report after a battle. I can see the shell strike through the armor and hit the parts like mag, shell .etc , but it cause no damage in game , although they are all intact .

instead of AP’s nerf , now SAP is more powerful than before. The suitation now in naval like AP shell can only strike through the armor and cause no damage , and SAP shell can strike through light/medium armor and cause large damage. So maybe now we should use AP to remove the armor and use SAP to cause damage.

I agree to this, as someone who is just getting into naval after a very long time ( few years ). Decompression is really needed.
Don’s see that many Hoods, but Scharnhorsts are really really dominant.

Cruisers, especially the 6.0 ones are also constantly sucked into uptiers. On some maps they are workable, but in the conquest ones…not fun at all!

That is possible. I did try weaving some SAP into my salvos, but didnt notice much difference, but yeah, shall try that

Long time no see everyone. I’m currently busy on grinding air event so my reflection of your opinions were being delayed, and I’m feeling sorry about that.

Many peoeple asked for position about Hood and Amagi. Specifically, Hood should be buffed and Amagi should be nerfed. For Amagi, I’m currently planning on riding her again to determine is she really equivalent as Hood and Scharnhorst. I’ll end test within next winter event, along with new capital ships added in December update.

For Hood though, I think she’s right in her position.
Yes she’s not an easy capital ship to use. 15’’ is quite inaccurate, and turret rotation is very slow.
But in exchange, she is currently most survivable ship in close range thanks to her module layout, exceeding Scharnhorst who now has danger of barbette-magazine chain detonation.
And she’s fast, along with best armor in British tech tree(considering inclined angles).
Crew number is also only next to Renown class, 1418, and don’t have weird crew compartment problem as Barham.

So my opinion is to keep her at 8.0 suggestion. Further changes will be on January 2025 with new capital ships added on December 2024 update. See you all then.