interesting so we seeing Skyranger 30 DK in a similar manner to boxer Skyranger 30, wich made me remember rn the stingers seem to be only temporary you know of a possible future option to replace the stingers since germany knows they arent being produced anymore
Would fulfill a nice gap in AA for Sweden also if the DK would be added. I believe they procured 15 or 16 of them with 4 prototypes being delivered soon or have been delivered.
buddy, the german skyranger 30 prototype hasnt even been delivered yet and thats the main development project for the whole thing.
Denmark is quite far behind. Germany and Hungary propably are the biggest prioritys
Given Hungary helped fund the development, Id say so too
them actual using rheinmetalls own vehicle base plays a big part into it as well.
Rheinmetall has boxer and kf41 experience.
Patria, Piranha, pandur ? not so much
Like we said 2026 for the prototypes to be delivered and 2027/2028 for the series models.
wayyyy behind in the line
Never said they were delivered or in use, which is understandable considering both production fase and procurement line.
u said word for word 4 prototypes are being delivered soon or have been delivered.
the hell you talking about
How about you tone it down a couple of steps. I dont see the issue? It says “soon or have been delivered”, from looking at official sources i can see that the four prototypes would be delivered in 2026. Different sources says different things.
ignoring how you didnt deliver amy sources sure…
the issue is that you denied your own words
u literaly said what you denied saying, that is the issue simple as that. a simple i was wrong would have solved it
You clearly dont understand my answer and this topic is unnecessary.
and still dodging the topic and posting your alleged sources
issue is that you said that 4 prototypes would be delivered soon and when asked for sources you didnt provide and you could’ve just said that you got confused and instead you doubled down and then tried to change the theme because they proved you wrong instead of saying “sorry i got confused my bad”
I could have elaborated my answer of “different sources says different things” and added that the source i heard it from was partly wrong and as you say “i got confused”, no one asked for the original post (which was a video interview) and i didnt think it was neccessary considering all the other data circling around. Moving on i will try to be more clear in my answers.