Boxer mgs, how does it work?

I cant find information so i want to ask about thr event. 1) do you have to get some sort of token to be able to put it up for sale in the marketplace.and how?2) can you play a few round with it or would it become non tradable?

  1. There is a separate task that you must complete in order to make it tradable, this can be earned during the entire duration of the event but must be earned, you cannot use GE to get the upgrade to make the coupon tradable.

  2. No, you cannot, no coupon in the game is “refundable”, once you consume the coupon tradable or not you cannot get that coupon back, that is why your only options are you keep it or sell it.

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So when can I put the Boxer MGS for sale on the market place. I already have the coupon to sell it and now i have the Boxer MGS coupon in my inventory, but its not giving me the option to put it for sale on marketplace.

There is another subpoint below the task called coupon upgrade.
U can earn points for the lenght of the event of it and when u got it u can upgrade ur Boxer MGS coupon to make it tradeable.

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