Boxer CRV Block II/sWaTrInf - The aggresive Wombat

the launchers on the turret are ROSY (Rapid Obscuring System) not iron fist


Rosy loading

ROSY in use

sorry i should have been clearer, i know its a smoke system mounted and i did say i am yet to see Iron Fist mounted to a boxer CRV. maybe it go dropped as a requirement or hasnt been shown yet on the new turret

So the German Army is/will be using these two Boxer variants (that are applicable to the game)? It almost sounds like they’re going to adopt another 30mm variant with another turret beyond this, I’m a bit confused.

Boxer CRV Block II/sWaTrInf

Boxer Skyranger 30

the lance 2 turret is still german designed not by asutralia

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yes, germany wants to also adopt the PuBo, an unmanned turret variant with puma turret,
ones supposed to replace the marder the other the wiesel

So they’d operate the:

  • Boxer RCT30
  • Boxer CRV Block II/sWaTrInf
  • Boxer Skyranger 30
  • Boxer RCH 155
  • Boxer IRIS-T (In-development)

Quite a wheely-boi lineup. I’m down.

u forgot the RCH 155

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and at one point the boxer iris t launcher


Yo, if they came to fruition…it would be a monster lol

its contracted already, so i would bet to it,
rumoured is that at a later point a variant with autocannon and iris-t is supposed to come

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and now cry and remember that norway already has a working iris-t launcher platform…

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