Boulton-Paul Defiant

I think that Gaijin should add the Boulton-Paul Defiant to the game, perhaps as an event vehicle/BP vehicle. This would be a really fun addition.


Yes. It should also come with ordinance options and an upgradable turret

They never carried any ordinance. They were only bomber-destroyers.

Fun like a root canal.

While at it, add the Fairey Battle too. Another highly successful british plane.

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Actually, the Fairey Battle wouuld not be a total desaster at like BR 1.3 or such, but then it has basically the same function and bomb load as the Blenheim, and would likely feel a little like the Ki-32…
So that would work.

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The Defiant would be basically useless as anything other than a bomber chaser. That alone would not be a reason to not include it but the idea that it would be useful and fun to play is hardly backed up by evidence.

The aircraft could carry ordinance, but not a lot. Each wing could hang a Light Series Carrier, which could carry 4 x 20lb or 2 x 40lb bombs. The carriers were also used for smoke floats and dinghy packs when the aircraft was regulated to Air Sea Rescue. These were the only droppables the aircraft was cleared to use. The LSC could have fittings for a 100/250lb bomb but there’s no evidence I’ve seen that show Defiants ever carried such a bomb load.

The Battle could have a home in the game. It wouldn’t be great but at least it would be usable as a starter bomber, certainly no worse than some of the other options in the 1.x bracket.

It was terrible in reality ,will it suddenly work in the game ?

Knowing Gaijin, it will somehow be the most OP aircraft at its BR.


With how butchered aircraft turrets are it wouldn’t be a good plane as of right now.

But it would be a funny plane. Plus it unique which makes it a good addition.

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Hey I have my dad’s old WW2 cereal card album* that says the Defiant had 3 forward firing cannon… seriously (sic) - got to be a primary source, right?? :)

'* - the sort where you used to get a card in a box of cereal, and you could write away and get an album to stick them in

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I like using the schrage musik in game so this is like pretty much the same thing but you can aim them independently of the aircraft to a degree. But for general War Thunderiness… nay. They are hard to use.

It absolutely would. I’ve used the Blenheim as a bomber hunter for years (I’ve had multiple accounts) and with a fully upgraded crew it is virtually untouchable. Even a bad player using a controller in one hand and a mouse in the other, could decimate an enemy team with the Defiant - particularly at this BR where you’re routinely up against new and inexperienced players.

That said. I do still really want it, lol. Early war is so much more interesting.

Can’t see why the Fairey Battle would be any worse than something like the Japanese Val. So long as it’s not up against Emils like it was in real life, it would be fine. No worse than the V-156, which is horrendously underpowered (recently started a new account just to play sim and couldn’t even take off with half fuel and bombs!)

It was terrible in reality so how much fun would it be ?

It actually wasnt terrible, but it was when it went up against fighters because if doctrine. The Me 262 was made as a bomber instead of a fighter, once thet fixed that it was good to go. Once the Defiant sqitched to night fighter instead of daytime interceptor it got much better

It has no forward firing guns and was only useful as a night fighter. Doesn’t sound very good for War Thunder. It was useless against enemy fighters.
I odnt see what the 262 has to do with it to be honest ,you lost me there.

Yeah, I read my own post too believe it or not.

But it would be fun? And it could absolutely clown on people if used in the right hands.

Give it interceptor spawn? Because it’s an interceptor?

No, terrible Idea,Just more junk to grind through and pay for.

Then maybe don’t play for the grind? What’s the issue with it being a rank 1? Then you DON’T need to grind it to progress anything? You still haven’t provided why it’s a terrible idea. Not long ago we got the Po-2M. That’s completely useless, why is that in the game? I know we had the regular Po-2 before that but that’s before people cared about the grind.