The premmie version of the Black Widow (P-61A-11) has bombsights. It is 3.7 in GRB and carries 2 1k bombs. The Black Widow on the other hand carries twice as much, is at 4.0 and yet has no bombsights.
Why is this? Did the actual plane not have them?
P-61s never had a bomb sight - the fact that the premium version has one is just another evidence of gaijin’s very selective perception regarding realism. Realism is used as argument as long it does not affect economic interests of gaijin - otherwise you read stuff like “balancing” or “we might consider this in the future”.
You see a similar case when you look at the US A-20 G, a classic strike aircraft with a solid nose and 6 AN/M2 0.50 cals in the nose. Bomber versions of the A-20 had a glass nose with a bombardier and, ofc, a bomb sight. Gaijin implemented a bomb sight for the USSR premium A-20 G (and added a bomber spawn) - with the same solid nose. Same story.
Thank you for the informative reply.