Bombs nerfed?

yesterday I played arcade - previously a 500kg bomb was mostly sufficient to kill a destroyer, now often 2 of them don’t make the necessary damage. Even a frigate withstand a 500kg bomb. I observed this with german or russian and japanese bombs. They seem to be nerfed…


Nah - you probably jsut missed the optimum strike for the kill - still getting them with 500kg and 1000lb here.

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maybe but such a number of non-kills didn’t happen before and I really play naval quite often

I think they nerfed bomb explosion effects when you miss…water seems to dampen even very large bombs. If you hit the deck, it doesn’t feel any different.

yes, that’s maybe a explanation. but I didn’t found information on this in the change-logs

I noticed it cause I liked to spacebomb with my He111 and this MAX bomb. Was always a pretty safe kill mechanic, but not anymore. You have to aim now …actually a good change.

Dunno about the true monsterbombs from Russians and Brits.


I saw this thread earlier an thought about it as I’ve survived a few bombs so far an just put it off to luck like always even pre 2.37.

But just now An I-185 used terrain to mask an attack an dove on my Buckley class DE blank range dropping two 250 kg bombs which landed both on the midship deck, Meanwhile they crash giving no credit to the kill but here’s me closing my eye’s as I think I’m doomed.

But no nothing happened an only a 5" turret was losted with like 3% crew lose with the ship staying at 90% crew, So I definitely now think there was a nerf recently.


in realistic mode i now can’t sink a destroyer with the 2X1000lbs bombs of the grumman avenger.

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100% expected kills with Soviet 500kg bombs from various a/c in Arcade last night - no issues at all.

Its the same with ground RB the 50kg bombs are like 25kg bombs and 100kg bombs feel like 50kg bombs

if you hit the ship directly it seems to make the same damage as before - but near misses seem to make much less damage now

It seems not only Bombs but also HE shell from ships got nerfed too. SKR’s HE now can’t even destroy open mount of german destroyers with one shot.

Bombs seem very nerfed in GRB.

That is a 1000lb. bomb. It only did a “hit” on a BT-7.

In another low tier game (playing with son), bombs were landing all around my A-13 sometimes even clipping the model and creating craters under it and doing no damage. Even if they were little 50s, they should have been at least causing crits.

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1,000lb bombs are famously weak nowadays.

Also idk if this happens in naval, but in GRB and ARB mines just fall through the ground without exploding.


I have actually noticed this. I’ve been playing with a friend of mine low-tier GRB as he’s new and if my planes got 500 lbs of bombs they don’t explode but seemingly fall through the ground.

Yeah, absolutely 100% thoroughly nerfed. FAB-5000 (designed to destroy entire industrial areas) going off 10m from a heavy cruiser managed to bend its prop.

Not trying to suggest it was particularly well balanced beforehand, but it’s ludicrously bad now.

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Belive me, its better this way. Before the FAB5000 erased whole team spawns of capital ships. You need to hit and this is actually fine. Also use the new armor piercing bombs. Thats their niche.

It also has to be said that historically no operational capital ship on a combat mission was ever hit by high flying horizontal bombers. Despite especially USAAF tried hard to put up their B-17 vs. Jeapanese fleets in the Pacific theatre. The only exceptions were harbor attacks (like Tirpitz) and when high flying bombers used advanced, guided ordnance like Fritz X.
Before the change dropping huge bombs from Pe-8, Lancasters etc was pretty much fotm. Toxic for a naval game mode.


Not disagreeing, but when you consider a FAB5K is more than ten times the explosive power of a ship-launched torpedo, which did most of their damage by detonating below a ship, the damage falloff seems quite extreme.


dropped 6 x 500kg ( 300 tnt each ) plus 1 x 1,000 kg ( 600+ tnt ) on a br4 destroyer managed to take it down to 40%
try to fix one thing they make another 5x worse
why does naval always get the least useful coders ?


I think naval air implementation is flawed. It required a nerf.

Around … lets say 3.0 you sport very early DDs … like WW1 level without AA. You also got Battleships, Battlecruisers and Dreadnoughts around 6-7 BR without any AA gun. Also WW1 ones.

Lethal planes with devastating loadout ( Corsairs; P-47, AD’s etc etc.) have much lower BRs than their ship counterparts. So bombs needed to be nerfed. Whats the point of spawining a 50.000 SL repair bill Dreadnought with 1800 Crew , then a Hellcat with 2x 1000lb appears and just lolkills you??

We’re not even talking about Pe-8 or Lancasters with its nukes… sinking whole groups of capital ships with one drop.

Adjustments had to be made.