Bombs doing 0 damage?

I’ve been having some problems with naval. I’ve been trying the battlepass mission to kill 5 ships with a bomber rank III or above. In the games that I do pass through the walls of flak at that rank and drop my bomb it does no damage. I use the 12000lb bomb so I would guess damage is no problem. But I have landed them a ships length away from PT boats and just got a hit marker.

Now last game was even stranger. I landed this bomb on an 10% crew battleship. Just next to a turret. There was a puff of smoke. A -1% crew marker and no explosion or other damage. Fuse was 1.5 seconds but it never exploded. And it seems that hitting next to a ship also just does no damage.

Only damage I’ve been able to create is hitting the bomb on land next to a ship and burning it down.
Is there any way to fix this? Its rare enough for me to get a bomb to drop so it’s hard to test

Near hits won’t work anymore. You need to hit or you won’t get your kill (most likely). I noticed it with other big bombs, which used to sink enemy BBs in a certain radius. At the end its better this way. Cruising at 5000m and drop huge HE bombs on ships was a bit idiotic. Especially in Arcade when bombs respawn on your plane
Now you need to dive down and try to get a direct hit. Or a splash directly next to your target.


I did try this. I went up in br from 5.3 to 6.0 and managed to catch a german early battleship alone. I flew in at about 400 meters and landed the bomb on one of its side turrets.

The bomb proceeded to let out a puff of smoke as it landed and I got the x-ray with 1% crew damage done. But there was no explosion.

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“Torpedo bomber pilots say, if you want holes in a ship, send dive bombers; if you want to sink a ship, send torpedo bombers,”

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There is AP bombs and normal bombs,…

Use AP bombs for Big ships, and you’ll do fine.

Replay or it didn’t happen.

Seriously - there’s no use at all asking “What happened?” and not providing the reply.

Near hits certainly do work - I missed a light cruiser (AI) last night and still did damage with 1000 lb bombs (American).

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This sounds like a bad excuse but the replay isn’t here. I played a match on north port of which I posted a message to some friends at 11:39pm. After that game, I complained about the damage on the battleship in the next game. There is no game after 11:42pm on the replay sheet-

people like you that type this are funny. like someone is going to make a post and lie about something that happened in a game,

Simple answer: Aerial Bombs, are designed to hit something hard enough to cause the fuse to go pew and make explosives in metal shells go boom.

The bomb drops on water, then the bomb just falls till it hits the floor and A goes poof or more commonly never explode. The same goes for torpedos, tank shells, ship shells, rifle, machine gun etc etc etc.

To be fair, some people just dont understand what happened. Had someone made a thread saying that the pantsir can lock planes and fire through buildings.

I looked at the replay and saw that the pantsir had complete line of sight.


IRL, bombs landing close to ships could do some damage. but is unlikely to cause castrophic damage that would actually sink a ship. The only somewhat exception to this I can think off, is the Tallboys vs the Tirpitz which destroyed the sandbanks under the Ship which then caused it to Capsize when eventually struck with a tallboy directly.

But that is a rather unique situation.

Id imagine though that a PT boat might get capsized by the wake? Depending on the bomb/how deep it exploded/how far away it exploded.

In War Thunder, you can “skip” bombs on the surface of the water and strike a ship in the side which can cause a lot of damage.

Bombs landing on the deck of a ship can have a varied impact. Small bombs might not pen the deck armour and AP bombs can be a bit… wierd at the moment (at least from what i’ve heard). There is a good chance that that bomb that you hit that battleship with did do some damage, but because it was so low already, there just wasnt much crew in or near that turret to kill and it didnt pen enough to cause any secondary explosions like hitting the ammo rack (might have also already been hit)

Render distances can also be a bit wierd at times, so might have exploded, but you just couldnt see it.

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i agree with your observation
it seemed to come along after the wider distribution of armour piercing bombs
i have direct hit an over half damaged R1 destroyer with an 1,800 kg bomb and done little damage

i figured it was the usual gaijun if you are not going to do it the way we want you to we are going to make you

very annoying

the amount of times i have proven the problem is over 30 times

i have had the problem with 1,800kg 2,000 lb 1,000lb 800kg 500kg 500lb bombs

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Apparently you have little or no understanding of either the OP or human nature.

Without a replay we have only a confused account of the event - it is highly unlikely that a bomb that hit did actually 0 damage, so it is therefore highly likely that the poste is mistaken about what happened.

QED unless a replay actually shows a bomb did 0 damage it didn’t happen.

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Agreed. Different damage models for the same bomb take away from the user experience. Just like a bad script writer gives and takes away “plot armor”. An indication of inaptitude & laziness.