Bombers need a huge buff

I find the bomber’s abilities quite limited in RB. In an arcade or in a simulator, you can theoretically first clear your way with a fighter and only then take a bomber and bombing with it.

Of course then there are special cases like the Ju 288 which is better play in RB.

In RB, Bombers kinda give the “Silent Service” feeling. You are vulnerable but destructive, just like a submarine. If you get through, you earn big. For some, this is actually fun. However, usually, it doesn’t matter one bit.

In AB, a well trained bomber can singlehandedly win the match, if the enemy team is reluctant to climb. Unfortunately, this kind of win happens less and less - not because the bomber is intercepted but because the match ends too soon.

In RB, Bombers kinda give the “Silent Service” feeling. You are vulnerable but destructive, just like a submarine. If you get through, you earn big. For some, this is actually fun. However, usually, it doesn’t matter one bit.

For this I play simulator. It’s much better there because you are not so often disturbed by enemy fighters and when you are, you knows better defend yourself.

In AB, a well trained bomber can singlehandedly win the match, if the enemy team is reluctant to climb. Unfortunately, this kind of win happens less and less - not because the bomber is intercepted but because the match ends too soon.

That’s why I focus more on bombing the front line (bunkers, artillery, tanks, AA positions).


Thx for your recommendations.

I am fully aware of the hordes of B-25s active in Air SB - using the aiming advantage of gunner view vs fighter pilots cockpit view and racking up thousands of kills with them.

Even as i fly with joystick, SFC and instructor off only - I just find Air RB with all his aspects and ofc with markers much more convenient to play.

Arcade game play was never my cup of tea…

Anyway, have a good one!

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Everything is made out of paper right now due to insane damage all mid/lare wae 20mm are dealing with sole exception of MG151/20.
Single 20mm shells ripping off wings and tails - this has to stop. Damage is ridiculously unrealistic, tough aircrqft like P-47 or Fw 190 feel like they’re dry twigs, waiting to snap.

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playing with bombers is just a waste of time and SL…

Man, I feel like I’m getting a headache a virtual one trying to figure out what these individuals are saying.

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You know insulting others. Is a good way to violate the rules and get your account suspended for a couple days.


Then shut it. You aren’t helping the discussion. You are only just pointing fingers and insulting people. Which means your opinion has no relevancy. To any of this since you do not want to be a active user, to improve the game or any of the such.

so u said u cant tell my opinion in multiple post with 1 sentence ? intresting …

and this is not insulting ? in normal case ppl ask … what i mean or how i mean. instead of telling ppl they are " untrained " without knowing anything

I think the mods would disagree. If they’re going to hide your comment. So don’t try to pull a PR stunt and change the narrative of what your intentions were. It only makes you look worse in the spotlight.

yes they disagree with me in everithing cuz i copy + paste a song lyrics …XD
looks like starting a quality discussion is a waste of time cuz you still teasing on 1 thing instead of asking what i mean under the multiple comment …and u telling me im a bad …

So spam. Got it. You have no intentions of giving constructive criticism and is only here to “Shitpost” and meme.

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Imho stating facts can’t be an insult. A short view on thunderskill proved my first impression. You are an untrained pilot unable to use a bomber effectively.

Unfortunately your reply was hidden way too fast, so i was unable to add a meme.

I’d say drop the meme now.

ofc , u and a thunderskill XD im understand everithing …

Why are you three dragging this thread off topic?

@Pacifica you know the rules and soooo dooo i. Have fun with Zaky.

Insults are not opinions. You don’t go willy-dilly telling people to go f themself there’s often context behind it.